cheato reactor

  1. __Jreef__

    Texas Aquariums Drygoods Please delete

    Please delete
  2. brick-brothers

    Cheato Reactor

    Found use of this reactor thats been collecting dust in my garage. My question is for those who has a cheato reactor, do you have the output plumbed to your skimmer? Or filter sock? Or right back into the tank?
  3. Hugo Garcia

    Cheato “Reactor”

    Hello guys I just moved to Brazil, and have all my fish quarantine, so I can’t have a refugium. So my solution was to put my cheato with saltwater and some media in bucket and put 2 cheatomaxx lights on top of it. My question is, do you guys think will work? My ReadSea 350 is still on its way...
Queen City Corals