chaeto max

  1. Luckyduck

    CPR Refugium upgrade!

    First off I want to say to R2R I think we should make a specific category for Refugiums/Macro Tanks. Super excited to be upgrading today! Going from a small (13") hang on back CPR Aqua Fuge to a medium (19") CPR Aqua Fuge 2. Brightwell Aquatics was kind enough to send me some Mangrove Substrat...
  2. Luckyduck

    Building new refugium what kinds of Macro should I get?

    I have always loved refugiums! I have had my small CPR fuge for over a dozen years. It's the old style with piping for the outlet. So currently I have a 15 gallon column reef tank with the small (13") CPR hang on back fuge. I have a 5 watt LED red/blue grow light over it. I used Brightwell...
  3. sromero287

    Florida Few items

    Hi there R2R community, some stuff accumulated over my last upgrade, prices include the pp fees and shipping, most items were used under a year unless different specified, thanks and good luck : -Aquamaxx FC-80 skimmer $140, -IM Chaeto Max Led $40 -Zen Reef 48 frags holder $45 -Marine Pure Tile...