Hi all,
The subject says it all. :)
I have a Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp - about 3". It has a little cave on one side of my 150g staked out.
I was considering getting a Coral Banded Shrimp both to add some fun biodiversity and hopefully to pick at a few of the bristleworms poking around in the...
For the last few night, i stay up late with phone on my hand waiting for my female CBS to release her larvae. Tonight she did it! I captured some larvae and put in the sump to see if they can grow or not. She will shed her skeleton and carry another batch later tonight. Enjoys!
I have a 100gl tank- 1 red lip blenny, 3 emerald crabs, 3 clown fish, 1 CBS, 6 nassarius snails, and a dozen or so hermit crabs.
Saturday- Got my blenny, he looked great. After a few hours of having him it looked like he was swimming up to and laying next to the CBS as if asking the shrimp to...