cause of death

  1. QuothTheRaven

    Sea Hare

    Hello, I have a 7 month old 40gal tank with good parameters. Last week I purchased a Sea hare, a cleaner shrimp, and an arrow crab. All 3 died within like 3 days and I'm not sure why. Current tank inhabitants: Haitian Anemone, 1 banggai cardinalfish, 3 blue legged hermit crabs, 1 turbo...
  2. th365thli

    Blue star leopard wrasse found dead stuck in rocks

    Hi all, Unfortunately my 4 day old Blue star was found dead stuck head first in some rocks this morning. I had to use some long tweezers and some force to get it out. Wanted to get some opinions on what could have happened. All other fish in the tank are healthy and eating voraciously. The...
  3. F

    what causes fish / corals to die?

    Hi everyone I have been looking after my fish and coral for about 18 months now. I have a 180 gallon 6 foot aquarium with mostly lps and softies, I tried some sps but only the montipora has been growing and doing well. After this time I would imagine my tank should be stable enough that...
  4. C

    EMERGENCY New Tank Mates = Death?

    Hey another question, definitely have an emergency on my hands and need to know what to do ASAP. As much input as I can get would be appreciated. I have a 29 gallon tank about 3 months old housing two ocellaris clowns and a bunch of mushroom corals. 3 days ago we added some new tank mates 4...
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