catch fish

  1. sdreef

    Method for Quickly Catching Difficult Fish Out of a Large Reef Tank with a Net

    There are several techniques for catching a fish out of a reef tank. None of them are perfect or work equally for all fish, and many require time and patience. I have a 330 gallon mixed reef that's about 16 months old. In the past year, there have been a couple occasions where I've needed to...
  2. S

    Speargun to catch fish in 220g

    Hello R2R! I'm having quite the dilemma. I made an oopsie buying a fire clownfish early on with this tank without knowing how aggressive they are, and its his time to go. I've tried using the nyos fish trap, using nets or whatnot to try and block him out of his sleeping place, but without...
  3. Damdeno

    Catching fish in tank

    I’m embarrased to come on here to ask this question but how do you guys catch your fish in your tank lol my clownfish are easy to catch but my Tang and Angelfish are super frustrating. I will say that my clowns have been in the tank longer so they literally swim to whatever I put in the tank and...
  4. ReefBud508

    Ideas on how to catch my royal gramma?

    Have a question for anyone ......i have a gramma i need to catch asap he really started being a bully to my lubbock wrasse which is 4 times the size of him and quite frank i can care less for the gramma i thought i would take a chance and see how he did and he has been great for over a month now...
  5. VFX_Reef_Peacekeeper

    ICH ATTACK, 300 gallon reef. Best way to catch small fast fish.

    I wanted to ask your advice or any tips you may have. My reef has had ich. It killed a bunch of fish in just over a month, then I left the tank with a couple of immune fish for 2 months ( As they were impossible to catch). Well, the immune fish still carried ich and the new fish I added caught...