
  1. Dennis Cartier

    Super Saturated Small Media Bed Reactor Theory

    This thread is to study the effects of operating a super saturated small media bed CaRx (S3MBR) using the super saturation of CO2. The premise is that a S3MBR should be able to to achieve performance equal to, or exceed the performance of traditional larger CaRx reactors that rely on media...
  2. GEO 612 Calcium Reactor

    For sale GEO 612 Calcium Reactor

    Older style GEO 612 Reactor WYSIWYG
  3. Bassmaster116

    CARx on apex

    So i have set up my carx about 2 weeks ago, using a reef octo in conjunction with the carbon doser and my apex. Just curious anyone else who is using their apex as the ph controlle, what does your ph graph look like? mine was up and down alot but now had seemed to steady out. Set my effluent to...
  4. RSnodgrass

    CaRx purge frequency vs. pH and alk levels...

    Different take on the CO2 purge... I finally got on board with doing more purges with my Aquarium Engineering stacked reactor. I started at once a week then a few times a week, and now daily. Few observations that need testing to verify but it seems very plausible... 1) How often you purge...
  5. Joe Batt

    What type of tubing on a Calcium Regulator to Calcium Reactor

    What kind of tubing are people using between the CO2 bottle regulator and the reactor itself on a calcium reactor.
  6. Joe Batt

    Typical Calcium reactor effluent dkh

    What is the typical average effluent dKh output from a calcium reactor? I realise it varies in accordance with the pH of the reactor , I am looking for some typical numbers just so I can do some calculations to see if it is worth moving over to one yet.
  7. Joe Batt

    Calculating the initial calcium reactor flow volume

    I am working on setting up a Deltec Twin Tech CaRx and I am looking to calculate the initial flow rate for the effluent. I currently dose 2 dKh per day to my tank which has a net volume of around 820 litres. The reactor works on the total CO2 saturation, thus from my understanding the dKh...
  8. randyBRS

    A simple way to replace your 2-part with a CaRx! | ReefFAQs

    Hey Reefers! Today we've got a quick fix to changing over from dosing 2-part to your tank to running a full Calcium Reactor setup. Through the help of Jdieck's Calcium Reactor Calculator Ryan explains how to test your effluent, input the data into the calculator and dial in your dose to...
  9. d_adler

    Calcium reactor. to count drip rate or not??

    im just setting up my 2 stage calcium reactor and i have MANY questions.. i want to try and follow this method. i was going to use a steady stream method where you do not count the drip rate but use the melting point to adjust. current equipement list: geo reef 510 reactor (main) geo reef...