carpenter's wrasse

  1. J

    Flasher Wrasse ID

    I got this fish from LFS labelled only as flasher wrasse. Can anyone help me ID this flasher wrasse, and identify if its a female or male? The wrasse is atleast 1.5 inch at the moment. Thank you in advance
  2. G

    Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse Gender Indentification

    Hi, I purchased a carpenter's flasher wrasse, it was sold to me as a 'young male'. A week later I saw another 'young male' carpenter's flasher wrasse at another store and they looked night and day different. Since I got the wrasse I had my doubts if it was actually a male. It doesn't yet have...
  3. ThunderGoose

    Stressed (?) Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse

    I added a Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse to my RSR 250 (55 gallons in display) a few months ago. He acclimated well, seemed to be doing OK for a while but now is "pacing" like you used to see animals do in zoos where cages were too small. The same behavior over and over again. I don't like it. Is a...
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