carnation coral

  1. PV Reefs

    Carnation leathers

    A bunch of Carnation leathers available, use the link below to see what is available.
  2. PV Reefs

    Carnation Leather

    Leather is $80 shipping is $45, $25 within FL I have a bunch of other pieces free shipping @$400
  3. S

    Carnation tree coral?

    Are there any varieties that are not going to just die? My husband is obsessed with them but everything we’ve been looking into say they are “expert” only. What makes them “expert” only? The water parameters seemed pretty standard recommended range, i just don’t quite understand what the issue...
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    Purple flower dendronephthya umbellulifera sp. In a 7.5 gallon nano tank.
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    Common name Carnation Coral from Vietnam. #[16720:#dendronephthya] lives with 70 Pacific oysters, 20 oysters in display tank hidden, the rest in the sump
  6. Dr. Dendrostein

    California WTB CA$H for dendronephthya and scleronephthya colonies (Callyfornia)

    We're at the point, we're looking for more Carnation corals and trees corals if your local Reef stores or online website gets any, please let us know. PM if possible. Thanks
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    1 of 20 in house frags #[16720:#dendronephthya]
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    1 of 20 in house frags #[16720:#dendronephthya]
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    Carnation coral from Indonesia, 1 of 20 #[16720:#dendronephthya]
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    Dendronephthya from Indonesia. 1 of 20 #[16720:#dendronephthya]
Ecotech Marine