
  1. michaelcambria12

    BioCube 16 Gallon

    Hi all, New to both Saltwater tanking and R2R I have a BioCube 16G Sped up the cycle with live rock and induced bacteria I currently have: 1 - Clownfish 1- Cardinalfish 1- Yellow Watchman Gob 1- Pistol Shrimp 1- Cleaner Shrimp CUC that consist go six snails and six hermit crabs Two...
  2. vaguelyreeflike

    Apogon Parvulus / Red Spot Cardinals breeding! Help!

    In our work tanks I have a school of 6 red spot cardinals (apogon parvulus, but some sources say ostorhinchus parvulus?) and one of them has a fat mouth full of eggs! He(?) briefly spat them out partially and immediately pulled them back in so I did get a visual confirmation on them, theyre...
  3. K

    Check out my video of breeding cardinals in 32 gal Biocube.

    Hey guys thought you might like this little video I put together of the Biocube. My cardinals have done this one other time and we had little babies swimming around however the male got hungry unfortunately. Enjoy.
  4. Nutramar Foods

    Quality Marine: The Prettiest Cardinal You Forgot About

    The Yellow Striped Cardinalfish is an underrated species that really bring a lot of activity and color to an aquarium. In house, they are being fed an array of Nutramar Foods and frozen meaty foods. What is your favorite species of Cardinalfish? Yellow Striped Cardinals have a very wide...
  5. CincyReefer07

    Tips on Catching a Bully Bangaii in Large Tank

    Hey guys… I took my chances on 3 Bangaii Cardinals for my 310 gallon which will be a mixed reef, only about 12 corals and a nem in the tank right now. They were being sold fully quarantined as a trio. They arrived small/juveniles back in late September. Been in the tank now since then. But just...
  6. FishAreCool

    Pajama Cardinalfish Question

    Could one pajama cardinalfish go in a 16 gallon biocube?
  7. jacquesPiette

    Cardinalfish lovers

    I love Cardinalfish! their angular shape, their colours, their unique behaviors. understand my surprise when i find that there isnt a whole lot about theses guys on the internet (exept the pyjama and the bangai) i have a 55 gallon tank with three pyjamas, 3 bangais and 3 longspine cardinalfish...
  8. R

    Banggai Cardinal fish sleeping(?) On sand.

    I got this guy 6 days ago and he has been swimming around and not eating, which I figured he was stressed or had eggs in his mouth or something. I'm feeding HIKARI BIO-PURE Spirulina mysis and brine shrimp twice a day. My two baby clowns are doing fine and so is my cleaner shrimp and corals. But...
  9. F

    Strange Banggai Cardinalfish Behavior?

    Hey all! I recently acquired 2 banggai cardinalfish which I believe to be a male and female. I’ve only had them home for a few days, but I’ve noticed every once and a while they will do this behavior. One will pause, fold it’s fins over and turn slightly, and then yawn. Occasionally the other...
  10. L

    Cardinal Fish Experiences

    I am interested in hearing other people's cardinal fish experience. If you have experience with longspine cardinal fish or yellow stripe cardinal fish I would definitely like to hear your experience. At first I was sold on Seale's cardinals but seeing other options have made me have second...
  11. gettergejetter

    Bubble on fish

    Hi everyone, here I am again asking for help. I noticed today that there are some transparent bubbles on my cardinalfish's left side. The fish was staying most of the time in the corner of the tank ( quits the corner sometimes ) since a few days but I didn't think much of it because it actually...
  12. K

    New fish recommendations for my 320 gallon reef?

    I am ready to add some more fish to my reef. It has been running since September of 2019, but after losing my SPS corals, I am doing a reboot. I reworked some of the aquascape to be more open for better flow. My current fish are one Sailfin Tang, one Chocolate Tang, one Foxface, one...
  13. JayFish4004

    EMERGENCY Internal Parasite or normal?

    I received 2 longspine cardinalfish from LiveAquaria yesterday - they seemed healthy but as I was getting them acclimated I noticed this white stringy poop - which sent me on a tailspin of going out and buying a quarantine tank and now Im trying to figure out where I go from here. Does this...
  14. K

    Sexing Emperor Cardinalfish

    I bought supposedly 2 males and 1 female Cardinalfish (attached images below), however im a little less convinced and would like a second opinion if thats at all possible. Male Male Female Any help would be appreciated :)
  15. wvfeefkeeper80

    Cannibal Cardinal

    I purchased two black and white cardinals a month or so ago. I recently added a wrasse, and while I thought the royal gamma would pick the wrasse apart, they acclimated very well. Fast forward a few weeks and I notice one of my cardinal is hiding anywhere it can find, top fins chewed off. As I...
  16. Shu_Ting

    Transferring a fish from another tank to eat up Munnid Isopods?

    Hello! We are newbie and been in this hobby for a couple of months. We started with a really small tank (Tank #1) with a coral and live rock from the pet shop. Then now we have a bigger tank (Tank #2) which we added all the fishes but no coral in it. The bigger tank was set up 2 weeks ago...
  17. MrDeathKills

    Some questions about information on fish.

    Thank you first off for reading and your possible help in this situation! I am getting a 125gal set up. Right now just going over some fish just so I can have a mock plan for the future. Will not be getting any fish till at least 2 months or more from now, as I will be doing a very deep clean...
  18. Wen

    Elderly PJ Cardinalfish Advice

    This cardinalfish is between 6-8 years old. It’s fins have been ragged for about 3 months. I removed all fish to treat for a couple ich spots occasionally seen on a tang. It went through a round of kanaplex with a wrasse that had eye damage/infection before cp. Pj was in cp with 11 other fish...
  19. Struggler

    How to Sex Banggai Cardinals

    Thinking about getting some Banggai Cardinals and see if I can breed them for fun. How do I know if they are male or female when I head to my lfs. Thanks!
  20. Mr.Acro

    Looking for place to buy Red spot cardinal fish and Multibanded Pipefish (Doryrhamphus p

    Hi all, I've been scouring the web for Red spot cardinal fish (Apogon parvulus), and Yellow Multibanded Pipefish (Doryrhamphus pessuliferus) does anyone know of places to find them? Best, Mr.Acro