
  1. Trahs

    Tiny Banggai Cardinal found in refugium.

    Digging through some old photos and found this photo from when I was doing aquarium service. This tank was a 200 gal mixed reef. Changing out filter socks one day and saw movement in the refugium. This little one was about the size of a pencil eraser. No clue how it managed to get down there but...
  2. K

    Check out my video of breeding cardinals in 32 gal Biocube.

    Hey guys thought you might like this little video I put together of the Biocube. My cardinals have done this one other time and we had little babies swimming around however the male got hungry unfortunately. Enjoy.
  3. F

    Strange Banggai Cardinalfish Behavior?

    Hey all! I recently acquired 2 banggai cardinalfish which I believe to be a male and female. I’ve only had them home for a few days, but I’ve noticed every once and a while they will do this behavior. One will pause, fold it’s fins over and turn slightly, and then yawn. Occasionally the other...
  4. JayFish4004

    White spot on side of threadfin cardinal?

    Noticed a strange white lump on the side of one of my threadfin cardinals today - it does not look like ich, and I’m leaning towards lymphocystis, but wanted to get some other opinions. what do you guys think this is? No heavy breathing, eating healthy, maybe being harassed a little too much by...
  5. S

    Newbie and algae question

    Hello, I'm new to the site. New to the saltwater hobby as well. Tank is about 2 months old. Waterbox 70g (45g top and 25g sump). I have 8 fish (2 mochavinci clowns, 3 cardinals, a flameback angel, royal gramma, and a lawnmower blenny). All seems to be going well. They all like each other...
  6. LB Dantzler

    Help picking out new fish

    My wife and I have a 55 gallon fish only tank. So far we have a pair of clowns, a blue spotted puffer, and a pair of cardinals. We had a flame angel but she started going after one of the cardinals so we took her back. Now were in the market for another fish or two to complete our tank. With...
Atlantik Icon  reef aquarium LED Bar