carbon dosing

  1. Azurenoace

    Combining Nopox + Reef biofuel

    Hello, my tanks is 50Liter, is it okay if i add nopox 1/2 ml + brightwell reef biofuel 1/2ml?
  2. itrymybest

    Skipping Ugly Phase?

    Hello all, just curious if any of you have a go-to method that you use in order to skip or greatly reduce the severity of the ugly phase in your tank. Personally, I was overdosing micro-bacter clean in one of my first tanks for a while and never experienced an ugly phase. Do any of you start off...
  3. Muffin87

    Is Nitribiotic a bacteria source for Reef Actif and NP Bacto Pellets?

    @Hans-Werner, @Lou Ekus - does Nitribiotic contain the bacteria strain necessary for Reef Active / NP Bacto Pellets to work? Alternatively, is there another source containing that bacteria, if not that? I finished cycling a dry rock barebottom tank, and I need to get the good bacteria spreading...
  4. Muffin87

    Best way to seed bacteria for carbon dosing?

    With my last tank it took ages to get biopellets going: Two little fishies Bactiv8 was a failure for me. Zeobak seemed to take ages, maybe because of the barebottom? I now have 90G barebottom with newly cycled dry rock. What are the best products to introduce the bacteria needed for carbon...
  5. sixty_reefer

    The Third Nutrient

    The third nutrient is my theoretical thinking on nutrients and understanding of aquarium stability and balance. The third nutrient or Carbon is a nutrient that not often talked about and little is known of its function and effects to the other Nutrients in reef aquaria, not much is know to...
  6. Rimsky

    Sulfites in Vinegar an issue?

    Hi. I have been doing vinegar doing for many years. I do it using a dosing pump. I could not find the vinegar brand that I regularly use. The one I got now is 4% acidity white distilled vinegar, just as the previous one, but I just noticed that it contains Sulfite 0.01%. Is that going cause...
  7. Iant419

    Refugium/algae scrubber VS Elimi-NP/ NP-Bacto etc..

    I've had .3 phosphates for a while now and have been using a GFO reactor in a half stocked 7 year old crashed tank I inherited 4 months ago. I'm looking for other less harsh methods of nutrient export other than GFO. I've heard about refugiums and algae scrubbers and their mixed reviews. But...
  8. W

    Best carbon dosing for high nitrate

    My 120 gallon tank is running on ceramic and is a year old. I have about 20-10 ppm No3 and 0.1-0.05 ppm PO4 now. I think it's high for nitrate. I use MBR7 2-3 times a week but see no effect. Reef Actif one spoonful a week, brings the nitrate down to 10 and it goes back up. All4Reef - I add 25 ml...
  9. W

    Best carbon dosing for high nitrate

    My 120 gallon tank is running on ceramic and is a year old. I have about 20-10 ppm No3 and 0.1-0.05 ppm PO4 now. I think it's high for nitrate. I use MBR7 2-3 times a week but see no effect. Reef Actif one spoonful a week, brings the nitrate down to 10 and it goes back up. All4Reef - I add 25 ml...
  10. sixty_reefer

    The Green Carbon Dosing Metalology (phytoplankton)

    This thread is aimed at discussing the potential of using Phytoplankton as a carbon dosing method and possibly fixing microbiology in a salt water tank during the process. The concept that led me to think that phytoplankton can be beneficial to a reef comes from nature, this is a process that...
  11. Cantusaurus

    Can you combine NP-Bacto Balance with Carbo-dosing, Kalkwasser, or Carbonate dosing?

    I want to add a single channel doser, but can I combine Tropic Marin's carbon dosing with a Alk/Kalk dosing supplement? (Not sure if they will combine strangely and cause issues)
  12. Muffin87

    Mixed reef AF formula needs both carbon dosing and GFO?

    I am a bit confused by the mixed-reef-formula. Are NP PRO and PRO BIO S not sufficient to reduce PO4 to lower than 0,04? Does your mixed reef formula also require constant Phosphate Minus use? Instead of using GFO constantly, can I dose Nitraphos Minus, if NO3 is low, but PO4 is high? Thanks
  13. E

    Red Sea no pox melting corals

    Has anyone ever had Red Sea n03 p04x melt any of their soft corals? Every time I put it in my tank no matter the dose I see them shrivel up before my eyes and then they die soon after, I am putting it in the back of my drain box to let it mix with the water and through the sump before it ends up...
  14. GotCrabs

    Brown Fuzz on Rock - Seeking Advice

    Hope some can help guide me in this challenge. Thanks in advance. Background/Problem: My tank was running for 7+ years. It had a brown fuzz on the rock that I was never able to remove from the system. Vacuum it off and it came right back. It is easily brushed off into the water...
  15. Andrew Schubert

    Low PO4 but High NO3 help?

    I've been battling some cyano and turf algae pretty much since I've been in the hobby 2 1/2 years ago now. About 18 months ago I thought I found the end all solution...that being the Zeovit system. Ever seen then I've been running the full system (Zeo Stones, Carbon, Zeobac, Zeostart, ZeoFood...
  16. R

    Macro Algae Refugium Issues with Alk and Calcium Please Advise

    Hello All, Been at this over a year and like to learn so I practically visit reef2reef daily. I have a question I haven't seen answered here. I have for the last year had a 32 Gallon Refugium. It is a standalone and Macros such as Ulva, Chaeto, are growing well but I am not sure if this is a...
  17. plankton

    How long is phosphate cycle for established tank?

    In another thread I described my accidental overdosing carbon chain, not monitoring phosphate that lead to zero testable phosphates and RTN of an nice tort. My phosphates were around 0.08 and dropped to 0.00 over two weeks. Since the RTN of my tort I turned off skimmer, stopped carbon dosing...
  18. AF_Reef

    Carbon Dosing Switch To A Refugium

    Long story short I mistreated my AIO 50G tank for a little over 2 months causing nutrients to rise and algae to take over , Iv been carbon dosing Elimi-NP for about 2 1/2 months now plus the help of Vibrant to clean out my algea, I have reach near my desired levels and been stable at 5ppm No3...
  19. R

    Help with water clarity using Triton method

    Hey guys, was wondering if anyone had any tips on improving water clarity while using the Triton method and carbon dosing. My tank always looks like a milkshake and I'm not sure how to improve it without disrupting the nutrient balance. I run higher end nutrient levels 10-15ppm no3 and carbon...
  20. G

    Filtration, What’s your favorite?

    There are a million different combinations for filtering a tank. What does everyone run? Refugium? If so what macro? ZeoVit? Triton? A combination?
  21. L

    Ostreopsis and high nutrients

    Hello everybody Curretly i have a problem with ostreopsis, i bought a uv sterelizer and the ostreopsis was reduced currentrly i only can se the ostreopsis in the sand And i cant eliminate it. My nitrates are around 100 ppm and phosphates in .21 ppm. do you have some recomendation? My chaeto...
  22. DanSavesTheDay

    Alk Burn *advice please

    Reefers who have experienced this issue please chime in!!! I have been watching alkalinity burn slowly take place over the last few days. I was letting my dad dose for me while on vacation and because I was waiting on my hannah reagent in the mail I used the API KH test kit I had on hand. The...
  23. L

    Use of nopox with uv sterilizer and ozone

    Hello. I would like know your experience dousing nopox when you have uv sterilizer and ozone, it have some problem or maybe or know if the ozone and uv reduce the nopox effect That is because i have the two systems and i start yo use nopox but the nitrates level doesnt star to be reduced
  24. TheKyle

    Adding Kalk to Vinegar dosing

    My 250gallon system runs nutrient heavy, such that I dose a lot of vinegar for nutrient reduction (just under 220ml/day currently). For some time now I have been adding Kalk directly to my 5% vinegar in order to combat the ph lowering effect of dosing acetic acid. I currently mix 1 cup of Kalk...
  25. RickG

    Vinegar dosing

    Hey guys! I'm trying to switch from nopox to vinegar for my carbon dosing. Nopox has been going great for me but obviously more costly. Would just like some info on how to go about vinegar dosing. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
Extreme Corals