carbon doing

  1. E

    when and how should I carbon dosing?

    I have a 29-gallon freshwater tank that I got bored of about 4 years ago. I've taken care of it well for the last 8 years but now I'm finally ready to jump into saltwater. I've researched a ton and I have a general idea of what I want to do. However, one of the new things I've seen is actually...
  2. Zazzy

    Gfo with Sps dominant

    I've read online that you should never run gfo with Sps corals in your system. Apparently corals will lose colors. How true is this? I currently run a refugium, carbon dose vinegar, and run phosguard but it gets exhausted very quickly. I feed my corals reef roids every other day. Looking for...
  3. Layllah

    Tell me about your experience with carbon dosing!

    Hi guys! ^.^ So, in my 150 reef I have FINALLY gotten a skimmer dialing in. Before acquiring this equipment I had read several articles including Mr. Farley's regarding carbon dosing. Buuuuut I've also read alot of horror stories or 'stay away' warnings on other sites- many citing cloudy...
Ultimate Corals