
  1. G

    Advice Needed - Newer tank, Cyano, Low alk, and precipiation issues

    Hi All, I'm in a bit of a difficult spot with Calothrix and precipitation issues and would love some help here. The system - Reefer 625 G2 set up Aug 28, 2022. 152g water volume. Water Parameters: Salinity - 1.026 Alk - 7.2-8.0 dKh (pretty stable at 7.2-7.3 dKh till I tried to raise it and...
  2. K

    EMERGENCY Thinking of doing a blackout

    hello all I am new to reef2reef and I’m having a little trouble, I am dealing with some pesky, what I’m thinking is either Dino's or Calothrix. I’ve been trying to get nutrient levels up but can’t seem to. Can’t even keep Cheato alive which I’m assuming with a new-ish tank this is going to be a...