buy coral

  1. Kyler95

    Connecticut WTB Connecticut looking for a buddy rn.

    In west hartford looking to buy a buddy. looking for good deal willing to spend 50-100.!!!!
  2. Louiemiller9

    Kentucky Ohio Looking for large gonipora colony

    Looking to buy large gonipora colony. Will pay top dollar… want it to be the big display in my 100g. Thanks again!
  3. brandondavis

    Hello New to Reefing

    Hello, My name is Brandon. I currently live in Puebla, Mexico. Originally from Wichita, Kansas. I will be building a 66 gallon reef tank from ground zero. I have very little experience and am excited to learn more. Any advice you could throw my way would be greatly appreciated! Also, Anyone...
  4. kzenoni

    USA WTB Glitter Goni

    First.... Happy Nurses day to all my fellow nurses who are reefers! Second..... looking to buy some glitter goni if anyone knows or has some to sell! TIA
  5. JuiceByCliff

    Corals Anonymous

    Had to post another thread because WEBSITE IS AWESOME. Customer service is great, shipping right on time from Cali to SW FL, clean frags, fair and reasonable prices! Everything is doing great thus far!
  6. CoolLibs

    Hello New to salt and ready to explore

    Hey guys my name is Jayden and I live in Davis. Finally set up a saltwater tank to challenge myself. Would love to see some great photos of zoanthids. Also am looking for an Illuminati zoa to buy.
  7. N11morales

    Where to buy hammer/frogspawn Corals

    Hello, I recently went to my LFS to look at some hammer corals and frogspawn. They didn’t have either of them. I was wondering where people usually order their hammer corals. Or if there are good sellers here on the forms. also what should I look for when buying a hammer coral or frogspawn to...
  8. luke fortunato

    New Jersey Looking to Buy Coral in NJ

    Enjoying the hobby, looking for some new addition, nothing in particular. Live in bergen county, if intrested text em at 201-470-017
  9. AquaHobby31

    Photosynthetic Gorgonian

    Hi guys. Really want some nice photosynthetic gorgonian like grube’s, golden finger...anyone in the Washington DC area willing to share clippings 4in+ or other suggestions? I don’t want a 1inch to your guidance
Ultimate Corals