burnt tips

  1. yuzusama

    SPS burnt tips? Couldnt ID the cause of it please help T_T

    40 gallons Tank params: KH: 8~9 Ca: 410~420 Mg: 1350~1380 NO3: 1 PO4: Undetectable I regularly feed Tropical Marin's powder coral food about once in two days, with almost daily input of amino acids. I feed my 7 fish twice a day. People say that burnt tips occur when high alk...
  2. wstcpyt1988

    sps burnt tip (dino?)

    several sps have burnt tip, am I dealing with dino? water parameter (1 year old tank): ====================== nitrate:10 phosphate: 0.06 Alkalinity: 8.6 Calcium: 475 Magnesium: 1455 ====================== what have changed recently: About a month ago, both nitrate and phosphate in my tank is...
  3. ocncheffy

    Why was an Alkalinity of 8 too high?

    So I've been fighting with some burnt tips/STN on my SPS with the following parameters: Alk - 8.1 Calcium - 450 Phosphate - .1 Nitrate - 10 Mag - 1400 I understand that low nutrients of near 0 can cause burnt tips/STN in SPS, but I would have never thought that the levels posted above were...