bumblebee snail

  1. Z

    Why cant we buy Bumblebee Snails in Australia?

    HI Guys, I have been scouring the web, asking LFS owners and everyone about getting Bumblebee Snails in Australia and i cannot find them any where. Is anyone on here that knows where we can get them from being in AUS? Many thanks
  2. guppyexpress

    Bumblebee snail with Tridacna derasa (clam)

    I have a very curious question. Would my bumblebee snails (that I got to get rid of vermetid snails) would those harm my Tridacna derasa clam? or leave it alone? I have 1 bumblebee snail. Thanks so much!
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Bumblebee snails

    So I have a zillion vermitids in my tank. Not the ones with the webs but they shoot out a single little line to catch food. I run a biocube 32. I bought 1 single bumblebee snail thinking he’d do at least something to take care of this mess. (“Mess” being a misnomer because as far as I can tell...
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