
  1. T

    Firefish PTSD?

    Hi guys, Story time, and then a question! I have a purple firefish who was living happily and peacefully with the rest of his tankmates for about 6 months. He was always out and about, just part of the crew. Then, I attempted to add a six line wrasse, who, minutes after introduction, proceeded...
  2. CincyReefer07

    Tangs Bullying Eel

    Has anyone ever experience fish bullying an eel? I put a 20 inch long zebra moray eel into my 8 foot long 310 gallon mixed reef Saturday afternoon and as soon as my gem and pair of yellow tangs see my zebra eels head start to pop out of any rock cave or crevice they go after it turning sideways...
  3. F


    I just got a new rainsford goby today and my hectors goby is bullying him. Will it past? My hectors keep following him.
  4. CincyReefer07

    Tips on Catching a Bully Bangaii in Large Tank

    Hey guys… I took my chances on 3 Bangaii Cardinals for my 310 gallon which will be a mixed reef, only about 12 corals and a nem in the tank right now. They were being sold fully quarantined as a trio. They arrived small/juveniles back in late September. Been in the tank now since then. But just...
  5. Mperry622

    Juvenile imperator picking on a rock flower anemone

    I've had The Rock flower anemone for several months and it totally looks healthy and opens all the time. I always seen it sucked back up and was curious why so I put a camera on it and I noticed the pattern. At least once a day only during the day my juvenile imperator comes over and picks at...
  6. chocomallows007

    new Powder Brown Tang bullying my old fishes

    So I just got a new Powder Brown Tang and I was expecting my Six Line and Basslet to bully him, but instead he’s bullying my Foxface and Basslet. I haven’t seen him bully my Six Line and Clownfishes yet (hopefully he leaves them alone. It’s been 5 hours now and I haven’t seen him chase them). He...
  7. ariellemermaid

    Help with Royal Gramma with Frayed Fin (high quality pictures)

    Recently I received a shipment of cardinal fish with frayed fins. All fish we're talking about here are in a QT. Despite treating with neoplex/metroplex/furan-2 for basically 2 rounds, all fish that arrived with frayed fins died. All fish without frayed fins have looked great and done well...
  8. Cfellini91

    HELP! Introduced a Platinum into tank with black clown. Black clown is not happy! WHAT DO I DO?!

    I traded some frags to my LFS and used the credit to get a new fish. (Currently I have a 6-Line wrasse, coral beauty angel and a black clown in 30g tank). I picked up a platinum clown. I asked the guy how he think she'd do with my black clown I have had for a year and he said as long as the...
  9. Zoa_Fanatic

    Engineer goby health and lifespan

    So I have a biocube 32 led with all stock equipment and the following parameters: ammonia-0 ppm Nitrite-0ppm Nitrate - 15 ppm pH-8.0/8.2 (kinda colorblind so cant tell) so I’ve got a massive, and I mean massive, engineer goby named kashima (18-20” long). He’s going on 7/8 years old (my dad got...
  10. Cas

    Royal Gamma bullying yellow Goby

    Hello, I am having an issue with my Royal Gramma bullying my yellow Goby. I’ve had Royal for just over a month and bought my Goby a week later. Royal and the other fish in the tank, a pink streaked Wrasse who I’ve had for months, have both been showing hostility (raising fins and opening...
  11. TravisParsley

    How to keep existing reef fish from harassing a newly added fish during a short acclimation period.

    Using an ipad to show video of random fish on a reef, I was able to stop the bullying from existing reef dwellers during the first crucial hour of introduction of this yellow wrasse. Notice how the mass of fish refuse to go beyond the center of the tank.
  12. LionFish47

    New Naso Unicorn tang bullying small Clownfish

    I've had two small designer clownfish in my 70gal aquarium for 8 months. They have began to host in a small patch of algae for a few months despite two anemones with nothing else in them. The tank has been empty except for the two clownfish and the anemone (it just recently cloned itself and...