
  1. B

    Super territorial fish being a bully! Now what?!

    Hey coral friends! BACKGROUND: I got both fish as juveniles, are now a few months old. In a perfect world, one would have been female, but perfection will not come. Separated from each other for a week, and tried to reintroduce the victim fish, and the bullying continued. At this point, I...
  2. CincyReefer07

    Tips on Catching a Bully Bangaii in Large Tank

    Hey guys… I took my chances on 3 Bangaii Cardinals for my 310 gallon which will be a mixed reef, only about 12 corals and a nem in the tank right now. They were being sold fully quarantined as a trio. They arrived small/juveniles back in late September. Been in the tank now since then. But just...
  3. chocomallows007

    new Powder Brown Tang bullying my old fishes

    So I just got a new Powder Brown Tang and I was expecting my Six Line and Basslet to bully him, but instead he’s bullying my Foxface and Basslet. I haven’t seen him bully my Six Line and Clownfishes yet (hopefully he leaves them alone. It’s been 5 hours now and I haven’t seen him chase them). He...
  4. Zachvet

    Leopard Wrasse Recovery

    Hey all, I have a beautiful male Blue Star Leopard wrasse who has been in my 135g display for 3 years. I’ve had him on frozen and pellets for years now. I’ve also had a mystery wrasse for roughly 1.5 years and the two have been getting along fine with the leopard being dominant. Long story...
  5. T

    Bully fish isolated in mesh breed box

    Bully fish has potentially killed one fish and left another with intense tail damage. I isolated them in a small mesh breeder box since I do not have another tank. How long should they be isolated? Will the isolation hurt them? I am concerned because they are closer to the light bulbs. Any...
  6. Jon_CA

    Banggai cardinal bullied

    I had one juvenile banggai cardinal that was in my tank for about a month. Now I just got another one of the same size. The new one is getting bullied the first day. When I picked it up, its fin was nipped at the fish store (I didn’t notice until I got home). It got further damaged by the...
  7. Buckwilds

    Melanurus wrasse attacking new clown tang

    Most of the research I've done says that generally Melanurus are generally peaceful. Well mine is a jerk. I just put the clown tang in yesterday and don't want to take him back out unless I have to. Is there a way to curb this aggression so that they can eventually get along? The next thing I'm...
  8. Eva Rose

    Help! Trying to catch Whitetail Bristletooth gone rogue!

    My whitetail bristletooth was bullying my Midas blenny. So I bought a fish trap and kept watch. The Midas is hiding so now the bristletooth is really aggressive. It is like without the blenny, he is amping up the bullying more. He is leaving my other tangs alone. But today he started going...