
  1. drcrook

    Build Thread 200 Gallon Custom In Wall Reef

    Hey Folks, Latest State of Build Posted Here: 4/29/2019 - Its just a drawing today... Original Post: So I moved out to the beach again. During the process I had to break down this tank: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/davids-mostly-diy-build-150-gallon-full-reef.391676/ So I'm building...
  2. Somuchflo99

    My first diy frag rack

    here it is my first ever diy frag rack if you guys have any show me pls
  3. Evan West

    Build Thread Evan's Liquid Zoo

    Well its finally time. I came to R2R nearly 2 years ago new to saltwater with a sump-less tank with a very limited budget and no idea how to grow coral. Many of you have helped me immensely over the past 2 years and most recently ive been trying to figure out how to get sps to grow well and...
Reef Breeders