budget build

  1. TomerF

    Nano Build College budget 10 reef tank

    I started a budget college friendly reef tank on December 30th 2022. My goals for this nano reef tank were to be simple and easy to care for yet still get the great results I wanted. My main issues is i’m a college student who works so i don’t have all the time throughout the week to keep a...
  2. Diastro

    Build Thread Freshwater meets Saltwater, experimental macroalgae tank

    Hello everyone! I have decided to dip my hands into the saltwater side of the hobby, with a twist! Something that has always kept me from saltwater tanks was a combination of the cost, the difficulty, and especially the traditional blue lights. Recently however, I discovered macroalgae tanks! I...
  3. DerpFish

    Build Thread DerpFish's Budget-ish 150g Mixed Reef

    After 5+ years of planning, the time has finally come for me to start setting up my dream 150g. After negotiating a decent raise at work and taking advantage of some good Black Friday deals, two of the most expensive parts of the setup have been purchased. As much as I would love to be able to...
  4. Timothy Davis

    AIO Build TD's JBJ RL-45 Tank Build

    Hey, fellow Reefers! In early January I decided to get my JBJ RL-45 tank back up and running. I had to shut down due to a cross-country move in 2018, and am just now getting back to it! The first thing was to inspect the tank for any cracks or damage incurred during the original cross-country...
  5. mshonk

    Large Build SPS Dominant Upgrade to 180g

    I am fortunate enough to have been given a 180g tank. It was a fresh and is older but I haven't ever focused on having top notch equipment. Free its for me! The game plan is to take my current set up which is a 40g breeder, 60g frag tank, 10g satellite tank, and a 2 long sump and put it into the...
  6. DrLazyReef

    Build Thread 110G build from India, wishful thinking ..

    Namaste y'all, Sammy here from Eastern india. I am having another foray into reefing after a long while. I was 16 when I started my first setup, I am 27 now. I had a 3 feet, 70 gal setup with mostly Lps, a huge sebae anemone, few tridacna clams, tubastrea and nps gorgs, and few acros too, with...
  7. Klowborg

    Build Thread My first tank! Budget/DIY

    Hey Guys! This is my first tank! And money is tight, so I have been using DIY and cheap stuff, or stuff I had laying around. It's a 200 liter display tank with a 54 liter sump. Tech: Populargrow 165W Reef LED Eheim CompactON 1000 return pump Fluval CP4 Circulation pump DIY Overflow 20 kg mix...
  8. NanoReeferAlex

    Build Thread NanoReeferAlex's Nuvo 10

    Hello! Thanks for checking out my build! My Nuvo 10g Mixed reef has been set up and running for about a month and one week, This tank was upgraded from a Fluval Evo 5 that had been running for a year. Im still new to the reefing community but would love to share my experiences and those to come...
  9. reefer7891

    Build Thread Picking up exactly where I left off in 2011. 55 gallon retro build.

    Hello I’ve introduced myself before and posted by build but I’m finally in the right forum. Before 2010 aquariums were my life. I spent every penny I had to keep my reef, planted, and African cichlids tanks thriving. Then I got a job and spent the next 10 years on the road and shut my tanks...
  10. FrickMasterFlex

    Nano Build 20gal Reef Tank | New Jersey | 1st Timer!

    My first foray EVER into reefing! I used to have a 55gal freshwater aquarium growing up, got out of the hobby for about a decade, but finally jumping back in now that I have a house and a small corner of my basement that is just perfect for a tank. Breakdown of the build below: - AquaClear 50...
  11. roninmagik1

    Build Thread Busy Dads 40 gallon breeder

    Chronicling the hopeful maintaining and not declining of my 40 breeder, now that i've got a newborn baby as well as a two year old. As of right now, tank is doing okay, although SPS is not really doing well. Alkalinity is 6.7 and salinity is 1.026. Did a 15% water change just a few days ago...
  12. SilverRanger

    Build Thread My Planted 10 Gallon Freshwater Aquarium: A Beginner’s Guide

    Howdy this is an aquarium for someone with neither a lot of experience, nor a lot of money. It can be scary getting caught in the confusion of thousands of products and options when starting your first tank. Well, this is your thread friend. Equipment: Tetra 50 Watt Heater Marineland Bio Wheel...
  13. C

    Build Thread New (to me) Planet Aquarium 125 Rimmed

    I was originally planning to buy an aqua Japan 150. I was informed by the vendor after waiting for two weeks that the tank was no longer available and would be 6 to eight weeks away. Next I put an order in for a proclear ProStar 150. A week later, the tank shows up at the shop. When the...
  14. 501Reefer

    Cube Build 60 Gallon Cube

    I finally did it, just returned home from placing my order for a new Planet Aquariums reef ready 60 gallon cube!! Update 5-17-20 Its here!!
  15. sharkbait-uhaha

    Nano Build Waterbox 10 gallon build

    Hello there fellow reefers. My name is Cesar and I’m from CA. Long story short, I had a 60 gallon tank years ago that ended up crashing and taking all the livestock with it, after that happened I kinda left the hobby. But couple months ago I started getting random adverts on my IG and FB about...
  16. T

    Nano Build 20 gallon long Mixed reef Build

    I like my tanks to be fiscally responsible... to save me from my wife ;). Basic 20’long tank from petco sale. One aqueon 30 hob filter with uv sterilizer and stock filter inserts. One aqueon ten hob filter with seachem matrix and Purigen with a surface skimmer hooked to it . One 240 gph hydor...
  17. Retro Reefer

    Build Thread My Big Beautiful Budget Breeder Build

    Well maybe not so big... :D My goal is to set up the best reef possible for the least amount of money and effort, I want something that will be easy to maintain and that checks all my boxes while staying within my budget, I’ll be sourcing the cheapest possible equipment while simultaneously not...
  18. Mark Derail

    Build Thread Fluval Profile 1000 Marine Build + Sump

    First of all - this is a low cost budget build - the Fluval Profile 1000 was used previously as a freshwater tank with discus. Instead of buying a new tank, I will re-use my custom stand and adapt it for the Fluval Profile 1000. Other than the tank and spare parts from Fluval - this is all DIY...
  19. G

    90 gallon budget build.

    Hello everyone I have had fresh water all my life and habe had 2 salt within the last 2 years. I started with a 13 gallon to try it out then after about a year we converted or 44 corner cichlid tank to salt. Had to make my own sump because of limited space. after everything stabilized...
Ultimate Corals