bubble-tip anemone

  1. potatocouch

    What is she (BTA) doing?

    Long story short: Day 1: Drip acclimated for 2 hours; wavemakers off for 24 hours. Day 2: Wavemakers on; she floats; tumbled here and there; even at some point, it was upside down (face/mouth down on sand substrate). Day 3 - 4: Stay on the sand substrate (face/mouth up). Today is day 5; at...
  2. Nezmo

    Some of our favorite clown video shots in the wild

    This starts with a family of the spectacular blue-striped clowns in their stylish purple carpet anemone. The larger female was doing some house cleaning around the mouth of the anemone to remove some sand particles. Then we have a look at the largest tomato clown colony I have ever seen...
Extreme Corals