bubble king king deluxe 200 protein skimmer

  1. Hydrored

    Texas Skimmers Drygoods Royal Exlusiv Bubble King DeLuxe 200 Protein Skimmer

    Royal Exclusive Bubble King DeLuxe 200 Protein Skimmer 2100.00 MSRP Used for 1 year, comes with a titanium intake guard and an extra intake nozzle 900.00 Located in McKinney Texas
  2. JaysLittleOcean

    New York Skimmers Drygoods Bubble King King DeLuxe 200 Protein Skimmer - Royal Exclusive (New York)

    I recently upgraded to a 425 gallon system and went with a another suitable skimmer for the size of the aquarium and anticipated bioload. This skimmer is currently being soaked in a citric acid bath and I will have photographs uploaded in the new few days. It was originally purchased from Bulk...