
  1. H

    My ongoing battle with GHA

    Back in February I had a huge takeover of cyano, bryopsis and GHA. First photo, I know it was bad. I was in a bad headspace I know what happened: overfeeding, lack of maintenance & topping off with questionable store bought water and the occasional tap water top off. I’ve manually removed...
  2. M


    Hey, I know they aren’t the best pics but wondering if this is bryopsis. Just removed a rock that def had a quarter sized growth on it so wondering if this is it too. Hard to tell for me. One other frag has something similar.
  3. airvicconcre

    Bryopsis and gha

    @Randy Holmes-Farley Hello. I have a bryopsis and gha problem in my 150g dt and sump combined aquarium. I have tried manually scrubbing it off the aquascape however they keep coming back and now have taken over almost all the walls and rock. I have been reading. Lot about Fluconazole lately. I...
  4. W

    Algae ID assistance

    Hi all! I seem to be having an issue with a nuisance algae. I would like to see if there is a "natural" solution to the problem before I try to attack it with chemicals. I have a starry blenny, a blue spot sea hare, and a smorgasbord of different snails, but none of them seem to touch the stuff...
  5. O

    Dosing NeoPhos With Fluconazole?

    Hello! I dosed Fluconazole (Flux RX) on Friday to treat Bryopsis in my 3 month old tank. I have a few zoas, mushrooms, and toadstools that have not seemed very happy since the Bryopsis popped up a couple of weeks ago. I have been dosing Neophos because the Bryopsis is leading to a po4 reading...
  6. I

    Fluconizole - long term micro dose?

    Bryopsis treatment... works great, almost. I feel like it always comes back. Found it in my sump after a treatment apprx. 6 months ago. So far I've only seen a single mention of performing a full treatment and then continuing with a significantly reduced concentration thereafter. I just...
  7. FishguyJosh

    What's Safer for Removing Bryopsis? High Mg or Fluconazole?

    I'm dealing with an outbreak of bryopsis in my 32g biocube. I have a fairly full tank of softies, LPS, some SPS, and a BTA. I also have a refugium going with copepods. What's a safer way to eliminate bryopsis...using elevated Magnesium over 1500 or dosing with Reef Flux (Fluconazole)? I...
  8. britnicole1724


    So I have confirmed I have LCA Dino’s. On top of bryopsis and hair algae that I’ve been dealing with for a while now. I do weekly water changes but it’s just not getting any better. Obviously something is off but my parameters are not showing it. salinity ammonia 0 Nitrates 7 Nitrites 0...

    GHA or Byropsis? Algae ID please

    I'm having a bit of an algae outbreak in my tank. I believe it is just GHA but I would like a second opinion. Can anyone ID this algae? Is it GHA or Bryopsis or something else? The tank is 6 months old, here are the current parameters: PO4: 0.09 NO3: 0.4 CA: 420 MG: 1500 DKH: 8.8
  10. Jakewareham

    Bryopsis, need suggestions on treatment with fluconazole, Help please :)

    So I've been in the hobby for 3 years, I have a 90 gallon mixed reef that has been very successful. I recently started up a 13.5 fluval evo nano, I used all established live rock from my 90 gallon system sump. The tank inhabits 2 clowns, an urchin and a narcissus snail, plus a few zoa frags...
  11. sreed07

    FluxRX dose

    Can’t seem to find an answer. Getting ready to dose Flux RX in my 120 with sump. I bought the pack that treats up to 350 gallons. However, the instructions only start with dosing a 225 and goes up. How much should I dose for a 120? Half the does required by the instructions for a 250? Also, just...
  12. Hugo’s_Reef

    Any Macroalgae resistant to fluconazole??

    i have been able to eliminate bryopsis almost completely from my sps system with fluconazole . Unfortunately after a few months it comes back. I am currently running triton method so every time I dose the fluconazole I have to pull out my chaeto. going forward I would like to just leave...
  13. N

    This is bryopsis, right?

    I've read some other threads and it sure looks like it. I'm having a heck of a time getting it out. I've used Vibrant and manual extraction, but it seems to come roaring back... assuming I don't get the roots out. I have a 250 gallon tank with large rock structures so getting it all out...
  14. WheatToast

    Treating Bryopsis and Valonia as Desirable Macroalgae?

    We have all heard about strenuous, frustrating battles against the Sea fern (Bryopsis sp.) and Bubble algae (Valonia sp.), but can they be viewed in a positive light? I have heard, on a few occasions, that Bryopsis and Valonia are excellent additions to planted marine aquariums for their...
  15. mikemathis555

    Bryopsis confirmation

    I assume this is Bryopsis, but just wanted to confirm. Thoughts? Went on vacation and came back to this in the tank…not fully invaded just yet and want to get it under control. Have already ordered Reef Flux.
  16. mherb24

    AIO Build Mike’s AquaTop Recife ECO 40g AIO

    I’m new to modern day reefing. 38 years ago I had a 29 gallon show tank. Had it back when I was in high school. Was so easy to take care of. Had a little glass hydrometer to monitor temp and specific gravity. Barely did anything to the tank and had long living moray, lion fish and cow fish...
  17. A

    Algae identification?

    I posted a few days ago and didn’t get any helpful responses. Can someone please help me identify this algae? I scrubbed my tank and did a water change Friday evening and now it has all just come back so quickly. Is this GHA or bryopsis? Or is it something else by chance? I want to...
  18. UkiahTheTurtle

    How to dose Reef Flux to kill bryopsis

    Does anyone know how to dose reef flux to kill bryopsis algae is it any different than the bottles instructions for fungus?
  19. nanonøkk

    bryopsis but scared to use reef flux

    ok so i have bryopsis the good thing is that my astrea snails and my tail spot eat it but not fast enough and i reduced feeding to try and help starve it out but here’s the thing looking online at reef flux i see that some people say it kills fish and inverts which worries me on how to use...
  20. kimros1986

    Bryopsis. Flux rx and chaeto?

    Hello! I've got bryopsis growing in my tank and today I have some flux rx (fluconazole?) arriving in the mail box. I'm not really sure what to do with the chaeto in my refugium. Some people say leave it in the system, since if I pull it out before the treatment and then put it back...
  21. new2reefing123

    Algae ID please.

    Can you help me identify this algae? It’s only on a couple rocks, I thought it’s bryopsis but I’m not 100% sure. Pulling it off the rocks is difficult but not impossible. The root system holding it down is very strong.
  22. CaptainCooke

    What would you do - Bryopsis edition

    Hi Reefers, I have the tiniest amount of bryopsis starting to grow. 95% sure it is bryopsis anyways. It is much more stiff than hair algae. I'm hesitant to treat the tank because I just don't like putting any chemicals or additives into it. I'm a pretty firm believer that in most instances...
  23. C

    What type of algae is this

    I have it growing on rock and on the back of one side of the tank. Please help I have tried vibrant in the past and it made my tank do a small crash.
  24. ReeferWarrant

    Bryopsis Growing on Palythoa

    So, I bought a frag from a local reefer. The frag started growing bryopsis on the polyps so I did a Hydrogen Peroxide dip and it went away. Two weeks later the bryopsis is back and thicker.... About to try Flux RX but has anyone seen this or have any other tips to add? After I did the...
  25. KayKaytn

    Fluconazole for bryopsis

    Hi reefers. I posted this on the Bryopsis thread but I think because it’s such a massive thread that’s a couple of years old, no one saw it. So posting here in the hope that someone can answers me. So I started Floconazole treatment yesterday, and I was an idiot today and decided it was time to...
Tropic Marin USA