
  1. ChiReefGuy3

    Brute Trash Can Cord Seal

    For those of you using brute trash cans for longer term saltwater storage (a month or so), how do you run heater/powerhead cords out of it without creating a hole for evaporation? Do you just close the lid over them? Seal the hole around the cord with something? Ect…
  2. R

    RODI Storage Container issue - Mold

    I have a 6 stage RODI unit which feeds a 32 gallon Burte can with a float valve installed. I have an ATO pump inside the can and an MJ1200 Pump. I use the MJ1200 to transfer Filtered water from the holding container to the mixing container for a water change. The ATO pulls filtered water when...
  3. smartwater101

    44 Brute, measurements for gallon markers??

    I cant seem to find the post, but someone had measured the Brutte 44 and posted an image of where to mark the gallons. I believe it was every 5 gallons. Does anyone know the measurements or know where that post is lurking? Thanks!
  4. C

    Brute Trash Can Ramp for Sliding Door

    Hi Everyone, I'm sure someone has had this problem. I am planning on using Brute trashcans to transport water from my garage to my tank through the sliding glass back door. I'm looking for a ramp to make things easier and not mess up the bottom of the sliding glass door. Has anyone been able...
  5. 1

    (Dumb Question Alert) Is it okay to store SW in a Brute Trashcan?

    Hey everyone, per usual I am here with another noob question. I made saltwater today for a water change but I won't be able to do the water change since it's late. Is it okay to leave it in the Brute Trashcan? I never had stored water, I always immediately used it so first time storing it till...
  6. shadow1013

    Orlando - AquaFX Barracuda Glacial RO/DI System

    We are selling our AquaFX Barracuda Glacial RO/DI system which is rated at 100GPD. I changed the DI resin, membrane, carbon block, and sediment filter a couple of months ago. I bought two bags of DI resin, which are 1.5 refills in each bag for a total of 3 refills, but I did use it for the... shop rare & farmed corls