brown jelly disease

  1. TroutWithLegs

    Favia Stressing me out

    Took a look at the tank tonight before I am away on a work trip and noticed some of my colonies showing some issues. Most are favia/favities. Not 100% what the orange one is, not worrying about and ID just help with a diagnosis. Haven't made any drastic changes to the tank lighting...
  2. H


    Flesh exposed on elegant coral, noticed it’s been bitten off. The damaged side mouth is still attached but its skeleton and flesh is 20% exposed underneath. The coral has 3 mouths in total so will it heal itself or is it the start of more deterioration???? how long will it take for the coral to...
  3. Tobin VP

    Possible Brown Jelly Disease on Hammer Coral?

    A few days ago I got this Green Tip Branching Hammer and it is currently in a Coral/Invert QT with 6 other coral and some snails/crabs. After dipping it he opened up nicely (see photo). Yesterday afternoon (a couple of days later) I noticed a portion of his head was retracting. Upon closer...
  4. N


    Woke up this morning to go and check on my tank and a solid chunk of my gold torch was eaten away so I pulled it out and gave it a good look only to see brownish green substance around the flesh. Is this Brown jelly? It is on my hammers too that’s why I am thinking it is bjd but not too sure. I...
  5. vaguelyreeflike

    Can Lugol’s Iodine dip and Reef Primer be mixed?

    Been struggling with brown jelly taking out a few of our euphylia at work, but not all of them when theyre all in the same spot on the rack. Its working away at one of our hammers and octospawns. The hammer seems beyond saving but the octo still has healthy heads. The problem is our phosphates...
  6. FishguyJosh

    Is this the dreaded brown jelly?

    Out of the blue my torch has retracted and has a soft gelatinous substance on one end. I'm afraid it might be brown jelly disease? I haven't introduced any new corals recently but am in the process of dosing fluconazole for getting rid of Bryopsis. Also I have been dosing Cal Alk and Mg...
  7. JennyH3

    Hammer help please

    I know this question gets asked a lot. I’ve searched the threads. Looking for a more specific answer. what is going on with this guy? I just lost 1 hammer yesterday - I think he was stung by my mushroom - so I moved the shroom. He was living right below this guy. However this guy has looked...
  8. Minhaj Qazi

    Treating Brown Jelly Disease Successfully

    HI reefers. Hope all well. Off late i had been losing my torch coral heads one after another. Despite fragging the frag head could not survive the slow decay and finally Brown jelly was Visible just before its last breath. I searched various Forum and also read how Antibiotics can...
  9. N

    EMERGENCY Torch Coral dying

    Will the tips of torch corals regrow and create a new torch? My torch coral died from brown jelly disease and it was dropping parts of its tentacles. When I cleaned out the torch after it passed and everything I noticed a couple days later that the tips of the coral and bits and chunks that were...
  10. RBuchetto

    Awoke to BJD on my 10yo hammer…pray for me

    Awoke this morning to a sight that I was not expecting. Over five heads had ejected polyps over night with two more head visibly showing the ever dreaded brown jelly. The colony is over 10yo and I’ve never had the courage to frag it. Today, I jumped in, hoping I wouldn’t loose the entire thing...
  11. djm

    Hammer Coral Help

    I’ve had a branching hammer coral for around 9 months and it’s been doing really well. Earlier today it was fully extended and happy. This evening I’ve looked and it is very shrunken and looks like a brown ballon coming from its mouth. Never seen it do this before. what could this be?
  12. C

    EMERGENCY! Suspected BJD on Candycanes

    Just started on the top one about two days ago. Did a water change last Sunday using a different salt, but didn’t affect my overall parameters too much. Previously both were doing perfectly fine, and have been for months on end. Top one had always had a massive “bubble” where multiple polyps...
  13. Reefing_Engineer

    Does this look like brown jelly

    Hi I’m pretty new still and haven’t experienced brown jelly, but it’s definitely brown under this head in my frogspawn so I just want to ask some experts!
  14. onefern

    One of my torches got BJD. Should I preemptively dip the other LPS incase it spreads?

    Hello, would appreciate some feedback here. I woke up to one of my torches having BJD this morning. I panicked a bit and in pulling it out of the tank the jelly went everywhere... A piece of it even got stuck on one of my acans :( I currently have a bunch of other torches, frogspawn, and acans...
  15. duesmortem

    Brown Jelly on New Torch

    My girlfriend bought a torch from our LFS for me about a week ago. When I got home from work today I noticed all of this brown jelly building up on the skeleton of the torch. I called the LFS and notified them of the issue. They recommended that I use either Iodine dip or H2O2 dip. I used the...
  16. Michelle B

    Wall Hammer spewing

    Hello, I've had a wall hammer one month. It's been doing fine and the rest of the tank but suddenly my wall is closed up on one end and he is spewing brown stringy stuff. My parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, alk 8.2, PH 8.2, phosphates 0.16, salinity 35 ppt. He's in low flow and...
  17. BighohoReef

    Dosing Cipro: What brand? Does it matter... My battle with BJD

    I'm dealing with a case of BJD and found this gem of an article (below) I want to give it a go but there is no reference to a brand of cipro (Ciprofloxacin)... I was gonna snag a bottle of Thomas Labs but then decided to take it to the forum. Experimenting with in-tank antibiotic treatments...
  18. jackalexander

    Frogspawn Brown Jelly Syndrome

    I have had my frogspawn for about 2 months now and it’s been super healthy, the flesh and polyps look happy and very extended but I noticed a possible spot of brown jelly on it probably about a month ago but never thought anything of it. this is the frogspawn today, any thoughts or suggestions...
  19. Paul Kachirsky

    LPS Corals Keep Dying * HELP * Full Details

    Hi All. I have been having some issues with my 120 gallon reef. Current corals are Blastos, Acans, Scolys, Trachys, Lobos, Flower Rock Nem, Torches (And Hammers that died) I know that I have had some issues with nutrients (Big Spike) but it was been a ton better as you can see below. Current...
  20. B

    Help! Duncan Coral Brown Jelly Disease?

    I have a small two headed Duncan coral in my NUVO Fusion 40 that I fear has Brown Jelly Disease (see photo). For the last two weeks, I’ve noticed it just wasn’t opening fully and I wasn’t sure why. Yesterday I found two or three hermits “cleaning” the skeleton. Today, I found both heads nearly...
  21. Zoa_Fanatic

    Is this BJD?

    I just plucked two polyps off my dragonseye colony because they were turning a bruised color. Pics attached. Now I had some white zombies (which were eaten by a crab who had since been banished back to the LFS) who grew this same color but opened and ate and were fine for months. Is this just...
  22. GoniSoftintheBrain

    Brown jelly disease on Goniopora?

    Wondering if this is BJD on my Goni, and if I need to do surgery . Or, Goni was previously on the sand, and clownfish liked to bury it—just damage from that?
  23. andrewey

    Brown Jelly Disease: Current Treatment Strategies!

    Current Treatment Strategies for Brown Jelly Disease I’ve been asked to summarize the current findings concerning Brown Jelly Disease for those that need a quick reference if they encounter it in their own tank. For a link to current tests investigating possible treatments, see here. First, if...
  24. N

    HELP, Brown jelly on favia (I think)

    Ello, Someone give us a hand, I'm pretty sure my favia has brown jelly disease but im not sure so thought I'd come on here for confirmation. Should i just remove it and count my losses or try andsave it with my various dips. Sorry about the photo. Thanks.
  25. Reefer37

    Brown Jelly

    So I found my torch with what I believe to be brown jelly. I have no idea how it even got in my tank as I haven't added anything in over a month and done two water changes since, but now I'm at a loss on what to do. I have another tank I've been cycling that is probably on week 4 now and I just...
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