brown diatom

  1. Y

    Need help dealing with brown algae outbreak

    Hello everyone. I am currently dealing with a problem with my 48 gallon tank. The tank has been cycled for about 3 months now. I have 3 clownfish, 1 anemone, 1 mushroom and 2 acros....Since last week, my tank has been filling up with brown algae and i cannot get it to stop overtaking the tank...
  2. WhiteOwlPowell

    Brown Diatom after finished cycling

    Hello, My tank has just finished its cycling period and has perfect parameters to start putting fish in but I just noticed this brown diatom forming. What do I do now? New to this hobby and am posting this so I can learn from you guys! Thanks in advance.
  3. SpikeWire

    GFO, Phosguard, and Brown Diatom on sandbed

    I've faced this before and quite honestly didn't exactly pin down the problem. Basically I am getting a brown diatom on my sandbed and it's actually becoming somewhat solid in places. Alk=8.0, Cal=420, and Mag=usually at 1350. I don't overfeed (feed the fish not the tank) but I do feed corals...
Pirates Reef Corals