brown algae

  1. S

    Weird brown algae growing on my corals?

    Hello! I have this weird brown algae growing on some of my corals. It looks like it could either be dinos or brown hair algae but it only grows on a few of my corals plugs and only a couple spots on my rockwork. The tank is about 5 months old. I run a protein skimmer just did a 20% water change...
  2. CheetoReef

    Turbo snail going to work

    Tank is approx 1.5 month old. waterbox cube 20 Floss > chemipure blue > poly filter pad. Video for attention. Dragon Thorn Turbo snail putting in work on my first brown ugly phase. I only clean the 3 sides.
  3. theasherrr

    New kid - what’s this edition

    This is currently what my tank looks like Question 1) the brown algae -read a lot about it being good, but how much is to much? I also have green algae on my glass. Question 2) close up of rocks with micro bubbles - is this okay? Question 3) should I be running lights on a normal day/night...
  4. A

    Tang with Brown/Discolored Spots

    Hi, I have a Tang and he's been in my tank for about 2 weeks now. He started getting discolored spots. I have done many google searches and can't seem to find a photo or description that exactly matches. I've seen that it could be ich, an infection or just from stress, so I thought I would just...
  5. dbati

    Diatoms on newly introduced rocks only

    Hi all, I added some old dry rock a couple weeks ago and I started noticing a couple days ago a brown film on them. Today I can clearly see it is like a brown slime. They have some tiny micro bubbles starting to lift it so I can definitely see the slimey-ness. The rocks I added were some old...
  6. Fr4nkthet4nk

    Another case of I don’t know what is this

    Hello fellow reefers, I have what it looks a case of brown something. I believe is not Dino since I don’t see bobbles on the string and my parameters are Nitrates 11 , phosphate 0.18 alkalinity 11.3 and calcium 420. I know they are not the best. Any idea what is this and how to fix it
  7. A

    Is this brown algae or dinos?

    When i try to scrape it off it disperses like sand. Everything is turning brown, even the substrate and glass. I tried buying a phosphate test buy i could find it here so i’ll try and see if an aquarium store can perform the water tests. The ammonia is at 0.25ppm and salinity at 1024
  8. C

    EMERGENCY Brown algae problem

    So I’m new to this hobby , my tank is roughly 3 months old, besides having a big bacteria spike due to me over feeding *which I fixed with a HOB aquamaxx1.5 skimmer to assist my Fluval filter*, I haven’t had any other problems with the tank until now. 2 weeks ago I started noticing possibly...
  9. S

    Brown/Green Algae ID?

    I’ve set up a new 25g tank and I’m going through the dirty stage. Got like this brown algae first thought it was diatoms however when I turned my LED to a more higher whites I’ve noticed that the algae looks green? Is this still diatoms? Picture is algae under whites, looks brown under blues. ⬇️⬇️
  10. WheatToast

    POLL: What brown macroalgae do you own? Pictures?

    It's all in the title. What brown macroalgae do you own? Please post pictures! Edit: Include those you have owned as well.
  11. C

    EMERGENCY New Tank Mates = Death?

    Hey another question, definitely have an emergency on my hands and need to know what to do ASAP. As much input as I can get would be appreciated. I have a 29 gallon tank about 3 months old housing two ocellaris clowns and a bunch of mushroom corals. 3 days ago we added some new tank mates 4...
  12. N

    Brown Algae ID

    Hello! New here and new to the hobby. We have a 33g Cube that’s been set up since January. We successfully housed 2 clowns and 3 hermits since March. At the beginning of May, we added a Pajama Cardinal, Sexy Shrimp and carpet anem. Last week, we went out of town and did a water change...
  13. M

    New Biocube 32 Brown Algae

    Hi.. My Biocube 32 tank was new and I added fish 3 days ago. While it was in cycling i did not turn on the lights. I am using lights for past 5 days and now i see brown algae on the sand bed and on the side glasses. Can anyone please help me to get this clean. .
  14. MileHighSeaLevel

    ID This Snot Please?

    Have some snot on the back glass, that's growing in an interesting pattern. It's ONLY growing on the glass, and both the turbos and nerites are eating it, so I don't think (fingers crossed) it's dinos. Some of the strings are nearly a foot long, but no bubbles. Where it's growing best is on the...
  15. jackalexander

    New Tank Syndrome

    I have been extremely patient going through my cycle and it’s been quite fun but I’m tired of it! Does anyone know when the different types of algae will start to disappear? my tank is 6-8 months old and my nitrate is sub 5 ppm. Also, how can I control green hair? it’s getting bad..
  16. Mandrew

    Brown slime help please!

    I’ve been googling away trying to figure out what this could be with no luck.. one thing to note, the tank has been without water changes for a solid 4-5 months. That’s besides the point, I just want to know what I’m battling I do believe a shrimp/goby pair died in the tank shortly after I put...
  17. A

    Battle with dust algae

    I've had my tank running for a few months now. I cycled the tank with microbacters cycling kit, the cycle went great and was done within a couple of weeks. This sort of dust algae appeared about two weeks ago and then some GHA. I added 3 emerald crabs to keep up with the hair algae but now the...
  18. I

    Brown Algae Outbreak

    I recently started up my tank about 6 weeks ago and have now gotten this algae outbreak out of no where. It’s brown algae across the rocks and also across the sand which has been a nuisance since it’s constantly seems to come back. I also seem to see a weird haze in my tank but only really...
  19. Y

    Need help dealing with brown algae outbreak

    Hello everyone. I am currently dealing with a problem with my 48 gallon tank. The tank has been cycled for about 3 months now. I have 3 clownfish, 1 anemone, 1 mushroom and 2 acros....Since last week, my tank has been filling up with brown algae and i cannot get it to stop overtaking the tank...
  20. TGREGS19

    Diatom Algae

    Hey guys! I’m a new reefer and I believe what I’m experiencing is Diatom algae which I’ve read that just letting it play its course is what I should do. I do have some green algae starting to grow and hopefully that will cancel out the Diatom (if that’s possible). I’m just looking for...
  21. A

    HELP! What the H... is this??? Dinos? Diatoms?

    I have a reef tank that most likely has either brown diatoms or dinoflagellates growing on the gravel/sand. Tank is at least a year old. Tests indicate excellent water quality with the possible exception - API kit shows nitrate @ 0 & phosphate checker shows it @ 0.03 so maybe too low? meaning...
  22. A

    HELP! What the H... Is this stuff? It's driving me crazy and I can't get rid of it!

    I have a reef tank that most likely has either brown diatoms or dinoflagellates growing on the gravel/sand. Tank is at least a year old. Tests indicate excellent water quality with the possible exception - API kit shows nitrate @ 0 & phosphate checker shows it @ 0.03 so maybe too low? meaning...
  23. M

    Brown stringy Algae

    Can someone help ID and let me know what I should do. I have this brown stringy algae on my tank bed, some pieces starting on my rocks and a little on my coral. How do I treat?
  24. S

    Which fish to add to clownfish pair for 32 gallon Biocube

    Hi there, brand new to the hobby. Bought a 32 gallon Biocube to “keep it simple” but have something fun and new during quarantine. But then when I learned about water changes and water parameters and such, bought the APEX system to automate the tank so I could take good care of the new pets...
  25. E

    The Diatoms Won't Go AWAY!?!?!

    I'm about to lose my mind over these dang diatoms guys! I'm a little over 2 months in now to my new saltwater aquarium and everything has been doing great, finished my cycle about a month ago, put a pair of clowns in a week after that and over the last few weeks have now gotten all the fish I...