
  1. A

    EMERGENCY Please Help ID, Ich, Velvet, or Brooke’s

    Hi, This afternoon I lost my favorite, a black ice snowflake clown to an unknown disease. She was breathing very heavy, resting on the sand bed. Before death, she started swimming “possessed” and flying into rocks while doing flips, etc. I thought it was brooks as it looked like mucus coming...
  2. D

    Clownfish sudden death - suspected brooklynella or bullying?

    I noticed one of my clowns had some signs of his pelvic fin being nipped at, but I mistakenly thought this was from the female bullying him and establishing dominance.. A week or so later it looks like he’s losing coloration near his stomach, which looks like it’s turning transparent from his...
  3. A

    First clownfish...brook or bacterial?

    Hi all, this is my first post here (been waiting to make a build post). I'm looking for some help with a possible diagnosis. My first saltwater tank has been cycled for a little over a month now. Last weekend I added my first two clownfish. They are pretty small but one is bigger than the...
  4. Fishrocker1

    EMERGENCY Possible Brooklynella outbreak

    Hey guys, Can anyone ID this if it is in fact Brooklynella. My clownfish is breathing heavy and has abruptly stopped eating. She appears to have a flaky like substance slowly building up around her and her orange color is now significantly less vibrant. She has been in qt with copper power for...
  5. Matt Bravo

    Brook in tank

    I lost my clown today to what I believe to be brook. Cloudy eyes, mucus on skin and rapid breathing last night. I noticed this 2 days ago but honestly I didn’t want to believe that she was sick. Even though I’m upset about it since she was my first fish, she is not the only one in the tank. I...
  6. Danielsj

    Help with diagnosis

    Hey guys i have several fish that are presenting with symptoms that i feel could be described by several different dieases so im having a real hard time figuring out what it is and how i should act from here. My Midas has like a white dusting around his head area with white strings coming off...
  7. B

    Microscopic Parasite ID Help

    Can someone please help me ID the protist in these images. These were taken with a 10x objective and 25x eyepiece from a mucus scraping of a deceased clownfish that had no visible spots but had large mucus overproduction that resembled a brooklynella infection. However I have had an Angel, two...
  8. Nanolifeuk

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Ich / Brooklyn + missing royal gramma??? W/ photos

    Had my black and white clowns a little over a year, along with a royal gramma. it’s been a little hot in UK, tank temp 25c has fluctuated 0.5-1.5c most days for a week or so Around 6 weeks ago I changed my aquascape with dry rocks and doses bacteria, this went fine. Around 3 weeks ago I left...
  9. Muffin87

    Can I treat prophylactically for brook/uronema without food-soaking, formalin, or CP?

    Humblefish's quarantine protocol and BRS video on quarantining for Brook & Uronema have rather conflicting advice about prophylactic treatments for brook/uronema. In summary: BRS video Humblefish Food-soaking with metro Second best option in quarantine No (symptomatic infections only)...
  10. ssavatt

    Clownfish Ich?

    Just got this clownfish today and she looked perfectly healthy in the store but once I got her home and started to float her I noticed a filmy white coating all over her. This was really only visible under my blue light. I did a freshwater dip but there was no visible change. She’s very alert...
  11. thekoralqueen

    Help setting up emergency QT system

    Hey everyone. So I have a 135g Mixed reef. I believe that my Blue Hippo Tang (newest addition- added 1.5 months ago) got Brooklynella and gave it to my yellow tang. The hippo is looking in very rough shape. Discolored patchy face, jagged fins, not eating and hiding (2 -3 days now). I hadn’t...
  12. K

    Velvet or Brook please help

    I just noticed these white spots all over my one clown. How can I tell if it's Velvet or Brooklynella? I attached pictures although it was very hard to capture a clear photo of it. Is there anything I can do to stop it? And do I have to start over after this, like a 100% water change? Thanks!
  13. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Brookynella and i can’t catch the firefish

    several fish has started dying and i think it is brook. I got it from a mandarin i got. Of course i just plopped it in and thought everything will go fine. Well 3 fish died and now only 2 clowns and a firefish is left. The clowns are in horrible condition, still eating but skin is slouching off…...
  14. K

    Marine Velvet, Ich, Flukes, Brook or other

    I have had a case of what I think was brooklynella in the past 5 months. It started with my clownfish and they ended up dying despite our medication. We got a second batch of fish 4/5 weeks as per recommended by our fish guy, and they ended up dying of the disease too. We weren't able to treat...
  15. B

    Diagnosis Help

    These two were isolated out of my DT after showing signs of what I presume to be velvet. I’ve since lost both while in the hospital tank after a 4min freshwater dip which they tolerated well and start of copper treatment (only got to 1.0 ppm before they died). I started a treatment of...
  16. A

    EMERGENCY Brooklynella?

    I got my clown about 3 days ago, and he’s currently in 2.0 ppm copper power and have also dosed general cure. He was still refusing to eat so I checked for flukes with a freshwater dip, and it looks like there is mucus on his fins. I’m not sure if this is brook so can the experts help out...
  17. Eag808

    Moray eel diseases

    I know it’s uncommon for eels to be affected by ich and velvet. But what about brookynella? I had a grouper who recently died from brook so removed all the fish except for a few eels. Now it looks like my jewel moray is having similar symptoms. Loss of appetite ( normally he’s a complete monster...
  18. codi-saltwaterguy

    Clownfish looks sick

    So my girlfriend bought this pair of clownfish a week ago and today one of the two started showing signs of what looked like ich. It was weird because literally the day before hand he looked completely fine. Now he looks on the brink of death. He has spots on his body and fins. His eyes are...
  19. kenzielauren8

    Brooklynella Fight

    Has anyone ever seen fish pull through after the worst stage of brooklynella? I had a juvenile pair of clowns who showed no symptoms then day 1 after work were covered in spots (thought it was velvet). I went to bed thinking they’d be okay for me to treat the next day but woke up in the morning...
  20. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Clowns keep getting Brook?

    I’ve had these two clowns since March 4th in qt 10g, heater, bubbler, pvc. I observed them for the first 4 days and they began to show signs of Brook I jumped on here followed recommended treatment treated with ruby reef bath and dosed tank with metroplex, I also did a full water change in the...
  21. katiestl

    EMERGENCY Disease identification and treatment help

    One week ago, I added a gem tang, a mandarin and a blenny. Everything was just fine before then. Sunday, the gem tang got stuck to the side of my powerhead and died Monday. Also died Monday, the mandarin. Tuesday, I lost my blue eyed kole tang. so right then I started treating for ich with...
  22. neoncon

    String / thread like things on tang

    Our tang developed spots and stringy threadlike things hanging off his body, now showing on his side fins. Been told it is ich but the description says spots, not strings. Have been treating with Polyplab but it's getting worse. Please help diagnose! Can supply photos tomorrow, blue lights are on
  23. squidsreef

    Is this brooklynella on my juvenile clown?

    the edges of his fins have had little whiter marks that I assumed were nip marks from the larger clown. Directly on his gills, I noticed some slimey looking white splotch. I received this fish from ORA breeder, which has a history of very healthy fish, but anything can happen. Should I be...
  24. M

    Clownfish brooklynella, need quick advice!

    Hello, I recently added a new clown to my existing 30 gallon bio cube that has had a different clown in it for over a year. I qt'ed the new clown for 2 weeks before putting him in. Im sure I did not do this process right as both clowns now appear to have brooklynella (I am 99% sure it is...
  25. ItsNiQi

    Is it Brook, Velvet or Ich?

    I first noticed about two weeks ago that my young Photon Clownfish showed a slight difference in appearance. Since his eating habits haven’t changed and his overall demeanor was the same I said I would just look over him for the next week or so. Today I looked at him and it seems to have gotten...