
  1. luke42

    Steps to treat possible brook

    We finally got our UV up and running so thought we would try to start tangs. Introduced 3 to our 180 gallon. One of them was a very skinny mimic tang. After 3 weeks, we never saw him again so assumed he had passed. LFS said we had a huge cleanup crew so monitor levels but do not tear apart...
  2. S

    Help IDing ich vs brook

    Can someone help me determine if this is ich vs brook? Long story short, I found what I thought was a good deal on a kole tang and added it to my reef. All seemed well at first but now I've noticed a few spots on its fins which spread to all over its body. It seems to have infected my orchid...
  3. D

    Clownfish sudden death - suspected brooklynella or bullying?

    I noticed one of my clowns had some signs of his pelvic fin being nipped at, but I mistakenly thought this was from the female bullying him and establishing dominance.. A week or so later it looks like he’s losing coloration near his stomach, which looks like it’s turning transparent from his...
  4. R

    Tang open wound treatment

    Hello all, Hoping to get some advice. Just received an order of fish that included an Algae blenny, Tomini tang and a few other smaller fish Everyone has been in a quarantine tank for 3 days so far. Just noticed a wound on the tomini tang and not sure if this could be uronima or a bite from...
  5. C

    White patchy discoloration on clownfish after 5 days

    Last week, I posted a thread asking for help with a splotchy white discoloration on one of my clowns. Here’s the link to the thread: The prevailing opinion seemed to be that it was brook. I...
  6. C

    EMERGENCY Sudden discoloration in clownfish. Otherwise acting normally.

    Got home tonight and the smaller of my clown pair was looking like this. Could it be brook or velvet? It and all of the other fish in my tank are acting fine.
  7. K

    Velvet or Brook please help

    I just noticed these white spots all over my one clown. How can I tell if it's Velvet or Brooklynella? I attached pictures although it was very hard to capture a clear photo of it. Is there anything I can do to stop it? And do I have to start over after this, like a 100% water change? Thanks!
  8. Gonj

    yellow tang with ick????

    Hey all, so I’ve had this yellow tang in my tank since September 25,2021 he’s been doing great eats both the frozen food and algae I put in the tank. I recently introduced a fire fish and sand sifting goby late December who are also eating well. Today I noticed these marks on my tang, none of my...
  9. K

    Marine Velvet, Ich, Flukes, Brook or other

    I have had a case of what I think was brooklynella in the past 5 months. It started with my clownfish and they ended up dying despite our medication. We got a second batch of fish 4/5 weeks as per recommended by our fish guy, and they ended up dying of the disease too. We weren't able to treat...
  10. Gonj

    Clown missing tail?

    Hey! So I’ve been on quite a journey with my mocha clown I have him in qt with my frostbite snowflake, the mocha showed signs of Brook gave him a bath in rrr and treated tank with metroplex, once again after a couple weeks showed signs of Brook and had this worm like string coming out of him...
  11. KGV

    Quarantine poll

    Most of us believe that quarantining your fish is the best approach to avoid diseases wiping out our entire tank. I think most will agree on that. But ... does it also safe more fish lives overall?
  12. L

    Clownfish Ich or Brook? Help!

    Hi everyone. I'm stressing over here. I've had this Picasso clown for about a year now and he's now showing signs of ich or maybe brook. His partner jumped out of the tank a few days ago so I got him a replacement maybe four days later but they seem to be getting along just fine. All the other...
  13. O

    Clownfish- intestinal ciliated protozoan

    Hi All, I purchased two clownfish in March. One had intermittent abdominal bloating, over the course of 4 weeks. She then developed full ‘dropsy’ and I had to euthanise her due to inappetance/poor response to treatment (metronidazole bath- as she was not eating). coelomic fluid was devoid of...
  14. R

    Brooklynella, Velvet, Flukes, Ich, or other?

    I'm in week 7+ of QT (quarantine). I have completed the TTM (tank transfer method) and they're awaiting their return to the DT (display tank) after the seventy something days to prevent reinfection of Ich. Can you please help me identify what this is (and hopfully propose a treatment method)? I...
  15. Fisker

    Metroplex - a treatment for Brooklynella?

    Hello! So, today, I was at my LFS ogling some coral and buying myself an urchin that I didn't really need, and I noticed the owner mixing up some frozen mysis shrimp with Focus and metroplex to feed to a tank of very sick true percula clowns. I asked him about it, and he said that they had...
  16. Isaac Alves

    White "slime-coat" marks on Clown. Treated with Furan-2. Need help with ID.

    I need some help identifying if something is off with my little clown. He's in my second system and the display refugium now. I put him through a full duration of Furan-2 to address if the white skin mark was a slime coat issue or an infection from a wound. I just put him back after being in...
  17. Reefahholic

    Brooklynella Hostilis at its finest!

    Welcome to Reef City Houston!
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