
  1. W

    Fixing my Gen3 radion

    Hey guys I’m at a loss for how to fix my radion gen3, the original problem I believe was that the thermal paste was genuinely all gone cracked and such so I replaced it with new thermal paste and factory reset the light but the fan won’t come back on no matter what I do and the light was thus...
  2. Nanolifeuk

    Fluval sump leaking ? Water level too low for heater/return pump.

    I removed my Intank chamber 1 basket to change chemi-pure bag. When I put the basket back in the tank, water levels have decreased in chambers 2 & 3. It looks like water is trickling through the side of the basket rather than through it (see second pic) Because my heater isn’t fully...
  3. SeaHorse-23

    Kessil AP700 HELP!

    Hello! new member here, i was given an AP700 kessil led fixture (not working) and i am currently attempting to fix it, i need help locating a component, if there is anyone out there with a broken one or maybe pictures of the board? please take a look at the attached pic, U15 (integrated...
  4. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    UV Sterilizer Broke. Do I need it?

    So I have a 125g tank and was wondering if I should have a uv sterilizer if I quarantine my fish and fallow my tank. And if so, what wattage would be ideal as well as flow rate for parasites and flukes for my tank. I would assume 20 watts with a flow rate of around 125 gph? Also what are some...
  5. adsf430

    Red Sea Max Nano Circulation and Skimmer Pumps

    Both of them have now broken within a year and a half about a couple months apart. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
  6. Herides

    Need help from anyone who owns or has experience with the Tunze 9004 Protein Skimmer. I can't tell if mines broken.

    Hey friends, I purchased the tunze 9004 protein skimmer for my very young and brand new reef tank and I followed all the instructions, it's in the tank, set up, plugged in, the air screw is all the way loose, I waited the couple hours to full day the manual recommended for a start up period, I...
  7. Biokabe

    What to do with an old broken tank?

    A couple weeks ago, my tank started leaking from the bottom seam, kicking off a lovely two weeks from hell. That's another story, but now the old tank is sitting on my back patio, taking up space. So what do you do with the tank after it's no longer functional? Attempt to repair and sell it...
  8. Tangina20

    Protein skimmer trouble shooting

    I recently cracked my tank and took my skimmer out and sat it in the garage for a few days and it isn’t working now. I’m not getting any bubbles and the skimmer is vibrating a lot more than usual. I soaked everything in vinegar and checked for clogs in the airline but still nothing. There are...
  9. S

    Jebao sw2 spinning but not moving water

    i have a sw2 and it constantly stops moving water, it continues spinning but with no effect. I end up having to completely take it apart and wipe it down and then it works for a day or so and goes back into doing nothing. Anyone else had this issue? No response from jebao at all.
Reef Chasers Aquaculture