brittle star

  1. J

    Just started a 90g with live rock, is this a brittle star?

    Added the rock lastnight, found lots of arms sticking out of one of the rocks. The arms have white rings it looks like.
  2. Alexopora

    Microbrittle star trap

    I have a tank that is filled with micro brittle stars in the sandbed and I am thinking of taking some to introduce to my other tank so that they can populate the sand bed there. Is there a method to trap as many as possible so its easier to transport them to the other tank instead of sucking...
  3. JennyH3

    Baby Brittle starfish or coral pest?

    I just received my WWC live sale corals - during the dip this little guy came off. I emailed them to ask also - but thought you all would know as well. 2nd opinions always good Is this a baby brittle starfish or a coral pest? if it’s a brittle I’m totally keeping it.
  4. pochaxoo

    Brittlestars and tissue loss at base of my acro?

    I noticed this tissue whitening on the base of one of my acros on the shadded side of this coral. I see some brittlestars here but want some advice on whether they are just feeding on dead tissue and should I be re-fragging this piece to prevent spread of the tissue loss?
  5. Y

    Brittle Star good or bad?

    Hey all, this little hitchhiker came with a leather coral I purchased. Anybod know if he’s a good or bad one? Wondering if I should keep him or not. thanks in advance!
  6. ssunthar

    Baby brittle star or worm?

    Hi Experts, noticed this hanging out of a hole in a rock. It is only about 2.5cm and didn't move much. Didn't get the chance to see rest of the body part (hidden in the hole). Could it be a baby brittle star or is it a worm? Thanks.
  7. Lylelovett

    Feeding a big fancy brittle star - how much/how often?

    Hi all, I have a big Fancy Brittle Sea Star; the kind with the stripes down its arms. I'd say it's 10-12" from tip to tip with a center disc of 2.5" or so. I'm curious how much you feed and how often? I've had some smaller fish disappear here and there - in the 2-3" range - and while I've...
  8. Muffin87

    Red Serpent Starfish, ophioderma squamosissimus, reef safe or not? (nano fish, coral, clams)

    Could someone who's had a red serpent stafish in a reef tank chime in with their insight? I'd really appreciate it :) I found this old thead about it, but it's vague. It's unclear if there are multiple species of red serpent starfish, and if they are all reef safe. I just ordered a Red Serpent...
  9. Pipefishlady

    Florida 3 brittle stars

    I have 3 brittle stars I would like to rehome. Different sizes, local pickup only in Palm Beach County. $1 each
  10. L

    Bruises on Brittle Starfish

    I've had this brittle star (pictures attached) for 4-5 years, about 2 feet tip to tip. Recently rehomed it to the sump as I suspect it may be catching smaller fish. (Two chromis and neon dottyback, all of which were healthy and in the tank for 12+ months, have disappeared in last six months)...
  11. Tankkeepers

    Micro stars

    Not sure if this is the correct place to ask but was wondering if anyone had any coral safe micro stars and mini brittle stars for sale
  12. TomSerious

    Star ID??

    Hello! I just purchased 2 frags and 2 different starfish fell off. Could you ID them, are they bad? TIA!!
  13. The wet one

    Elegance destroyed and ate starfish. I don’t think this is normal.

    Well... I woke up this morning and started getting ready to feed my tank. as usual my shrimp and brittle star we’re already looking for food. Normally my star will slide along the bottom and my elegance and other torches don’t react. This time my elegance decided to obliterate my star. The...
  14. YoCamron

    Brittle star ID

    I was dipping my new christmas tree rock and this guy came running off. Want to play it safe so I have him in a breeder basket right now. Haven’t heard of any brittle star pests before, and I love to have them as they are great for taking care of detritus. Just want to know if it’s a pest and...
  15. ThunderGoose

    Feeding brittle stars - how often, how much?

    I got a very nice red brittle star from KP Aquatics last week. I chopped up some clam (which I feed to my RBTA) and offered her a piece. She took it happily. Now, when I feed the tank, I see her arm come out of the rockwork and I offer her another piece. Last night I discovered her "stash" of...