
  1. JennyH3

    Baby Brittle starfish or coral pest?

    I just received my WWC live sale corals - during the dip this little guy came off. I emailed them to ask also - but thought you all would know as well. 2nd opinions always good Is this a baby brittle starfish or a coral pest? if it’s a brittle I’m totally keeping it.
  2. Corn674

    Texas WTB (Wtb) micro brittle stars texas

    Looking for some micro stars in lubbock tx, would also be willing to pay shipping for some just ket me know
  3. reefsaver

    Hitchiker/Pest/Critter/ what the heck IS THIS, Please Help!

    I bought my first ever coral about 4 months ago, a small 2 head Torch and a fungia plate coral, I dipped them both and got a small flatworm off the torch luckily. A few days into owning the torch and watching it get used to the water and extend, I noticed a little section of bristly exoskeleton...
Southwest Aquaculture - a coral lover's dream!