
  1. reefsaver

    What Live food do you think is easiest to culture for your Reef aquarium?

    I've been growing copepods for a while in a standalone tank and was wondering, what is the easiest live food to culture? I was thinking maybe Brine shrimp might be easiest but was wondering what people think.
  2. Perpetual Novice

    Adding unhatched brine shrimp eggs to aquarium. What would happen?

    Everything says to hatch the eggs first then add the live brine a little at a time as food. But what if I want a constant food supply for picky fish. Can I add eggs directly to the tank so they can pick them off as they hatch? I’m thinking of wrasses and filefish in particular.
  3. LEOreefer

    Breeding brine shrimp

    Anyone hatch brine shrimp and feed to tank or grow out and feed ? I was wondering if it is a common practice and what kind of set up you have if so?
  4. P

    Can brine be grown on coral food, like Reef Snow?

    I'm having trouble getting baby brine to grow out. Spirulina is not working well for me. Can things like Reef Snow, Coral Frenzy, etc be used to grow out baby brine after hatching? Any tips on growing out brine from hatching through large adulthood would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!