breathing heavy

  1. C

    Clownfish possibly sick

    I’m not sure if this is urgent or just the fish warming up to the new tank but one of my new clowns is looking bloated and is only sitting at the bottom of the tank, breathing heavily. I only just let them out of the holding box after letting them get to know my other fish that were already in...
  2. hmfaysal

    Sleeper Blue Dot Goby Gasping

    My sleeper blue dot goby had been gasping for the last 2 nights. It stays in its burrow all day long, after lights out, opens up the burrow and keeps opening and closing its mouth rapidly and heavily. I can only see it at night. I had this goby for a year now, 5.5 inches long, was very active...
  3. scottp14


    Hi I am new to the saltwater hobby. I have a had my pair of gold nugget maroon clowns for about a year now and they have seemed to be healthy up until today. My male clown if sitting on the bottom of the tank not moving, not eating and is breathing heavy. The female is very active breathing...
  4. th365thli

    EMERGENCY Longnose butterfly breathing hard

    Seems like I'm having trouble nowadays. The longnose butterfly i just got is breathing hard. It's kind of just hanging out at the top left corner. Is it scared? Or is there an underlying condition? No marks on the body. The LFS said it came from a salinity of 1.026. My tank is 1.024 to 1.025...
  5. b0bburg3r

    None stop bacterial bloom 5 weeks long

    Hello I hate to ask for help. After some time I finally realized my fish were breathing heavy from a bacterial bloom. To save the fish I would change the water. Then it would come back. Three fish stores testing my water, with me testing daily I can’t figure it out. Here is a picture before and...
  6. J

    EMERGENCY My Clownfish are breathing very heavy

    Having some problems with my tank with parameters out of whack. I transferred both of my clowns to a large measuring cup until I get the issues resolved. I used bottled spring water and matched the salinity from my tank. My parameters are decent for most part except ammonia which is a bit high...
  7. darrow0903

    Midas Blenny Breathing Hard?

    Hi all, just got this Midas Blenny and I think he’s stressed out (see video). Looks like he’s breathing heavily. Is he gonna make it? :( My other fish are doing amazingly out and about any tip on what I should do? Is this normal behaviour for a new fish?
  8. ito2

    Green chromis looks weird.

    Hey guys , I’m looking to see if anyone can help me identify what’s wrong with my green chromis. A little over 2 days ago , I introduced him into my DT without quarantining him (Huge mistake on my end) and all seemed well for the time being, except for some minor clown aggression. This morning...
  9. selmer_paris3

    Clownfish breathing heavy? HELP!

    Hey all, I got a pair of clowns 3 weeks ago at my LFS (LAX aquarium) and one of them appears to be doing really well but the other looks not good, I am concerned he is sick. He is breathing heavy, his bottom fins are tucked in, he is pale and only swimming by the rocks. The tank is new, these...
  10. T

    Brand new Clownfish problems

    So I just bought 2 new clownfish for my salt water tank a couple hours ago, and ever since they were in the bag they were breathing super hard. This is my first salt water tank so I’m super inexperienced in this, but I have been keeping freshwater successfully for a couple years now. So 5 hours...
  11. D

    Heavy breathing

    My tank is still relatively new and have been having a lot of problems with the water. I’ve been treating it consistently and it’s getting better but not right yet. But this morning I woke up and all the fish have been breathing heavy for a few hours and my yellow tang is white around the eyes...
  12. Jimmyneptune

    Wrasse lying on side breathing heavy

    I have a Lineatus Wrasse that I have had for 2-3 years. He was healthy and active last week. The rest of my fish are doing great as well as my corals. I went away on vacation and had someone feed my tank daily, probably overfed my tank. The first day back with my lights on I noticed him lying...
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