breathing fast

  1. th365thli

    EMERGENCY Longnose butterfly breathing hard

    Seems like I'm having trouble nowadays. The longnose butterfly i just got is breathing hard. It's kind of just hanging out at the top left corner. Is it scared? Or is there an underlying condition? No marks on the body. The LFS said it came from a salinity of 1.026. My tank is 1.024 to 1.025...
  2. b0bburg3r

    Heavy breathing weird behavior. Can’t identify!

    My tang was found breath heavy after feeding of mysis. At night he hides and has a respiration rate over 150 a second. He also has a cleaner shrimp following him everywhere and cleaning him. Getting worse but during the day he acts like this and is still eating like crazy. Please help I am a...
  3. b0bburg3r

    EMERGENCY Rapid progression of HLLE and fast breathing.

    Any one here have experience with HLLE. My sailfin has it . Water has been tested heavily so all is good there. I did run carbon for one day so I have been doing water changes to try to get that out. He is with only one other fish so it’s for sure not over crowded. Idk what to do. He is...
  4. J

    EMERGENCY My Clownfish are breathing very heavy

    Having some problems with my tank with parameters out of whack. I transferred both of my clowns to a large measuring cup until I get the issues resolved. I used bottled spring water and matched the salinity from my tank. My parameters are decent for most part except ammonia which is a bit high...
  5. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Is this anthias a gonner?

    Just got 7 dispar anthias at least thats what i think they are the seller didn’t specify the species as they just called it rainbow fish or something. The seller said they were ‘old stock’ so they already ate pellets, i decided to grab them. They are being qted in a 70g now. They all are eating...
  6. H

    Sailfin Tang Rapid Breathing

    Hi all, I'm really struggling to diagnose what's wrong with my sailfin tang. Video here, for reference. This tang is breathing very quickly, which is definitely quite concerning to me. On Saturday I brought an info hammer home from my LFS. I had...
  7. fox0521

    Purple and Scopas Tang Breathing??

    Hey folks, 125 g dt with pair of clowns, banggai cardinal, bluestreak goby, scopas tang, and purple tang. Check out the video of my tangs breathing. Are they breathing heavy/rapid? or normal? They breath like this all the time and have since I got them (a month ago), but it just seems more...
  8. Sablah

    Tang in QT breathing fast, not eating, has mouth damage?

    I got a Whitetail Bristletooth Tang from LA's Diver's Den. It arrived yesterday and I put him in QT tank. It swam around for a few minutes and then has been hiding in the PVC ever since. I kept the lights out and so I didn't get to observe it all that well, but I didn't notice it breathing...
  9. T

    Brand new Clownfish problems

    So I just bought 2 new clownfish for my salt water tank a couple hours ago, and ever since they were in the bag they were breathing super hard. This is my first salt water tank so I’m super inexperienced in this, but I have been keeping freshwater successfully for a couple years now. So 5 hours...
  10. T

    Firefish Goby Breathing

    Hello all, I am fairly new to the hobby and am starting a new reef tank. I have had 4 firefish Gobies for just under 3 months now, the first month being in a quarantine tank, the two larger of my gobies live in this larger rock cave and the two smaller ones live on the other side of the tank...
  11. Snake132

    Need help lawnmower blenny !!!

    This morning I couldn’t find him my [lawnmower blenny ] and once I did he was hiding in an unusual place under the rocks and (white in colour)which is not his usual colour and he appears to be (breathing rapidly) ... is he dying ? What can I do to help at the moment ? And what is wrong with...
Reef Breeders