
  1. maurice-io

    Is my clownfish dying? How can I help it do better?

    Hi, this is my first saltwater fish (1 of 2 clownfish), and it doesn't seem to be doing well. There's a white "flake" coming out of its side/gill, and it's breathing hard from its mouth. See video below. Can someone please help me figure out what it is and how I can treat it?? See the white...
  2. fox0521

    Purple and Scopas Tang Breathing??

    Hey folks, 125 g dt with pair of clowns, banggai cardinal, bluestreak goby, scopas tang, and purple tang. Check out the video of my tangs breathing. Are they breathing heavy/rapid? or normal? They breath like this all the time and have since I got them (a month ago), but it just seems more...
  3. Snake132

    Need help lawnmower blenny !!!

    This morning I couldn’t find him my [lawnmower blenny ] and once I did he was hiding in an unusual place under the rocks and (white in colour)which is not his usual colour and he appears to be (breathing rapidly) ... is he dying ? What can I do to help at the moment ? And what is wrong with...
  4. nautical_nathaniel

    Black Cap Jawfish Labored Breathing

    Hello everyone, I have black cap jawfish (Opistognathus randalli) and its not acting all that great. It is sitting in the corner of the tank taking long, big breaths and will sometimes sit with its mouth open for a while. No signs of ich or any physical ailments on its skin. It also ate pretty...
  5. trmiv

    Starlicki Damsel and Tomini tang rapid breathing in quarantine

    I received a Starlicki damsel and a Tomini tang from Divers Den on Friday. temp acclimated , matched the QT tank water to their water, and released. Saturday they were out and about and swimming well and eating. I did not take notice of their breathing Saturday. Today they are still eating...
  6. R

    New kole tang

    I have a 2yr established 125 gal tank and I just got a kole tang for it. Drip acclimated it and then put it in a Q tank. It seems to be breathing a little fast. Other than that its acting normal as it is actively swimming around the tank and picking at rocks. Just wondering if things were ok. My...