brain coral

  1. Ultra Red Australophyllia Wilsoni

    For sale North Carolina Ultra Red Australophyllia Wilsoni

    The Austophyllia Wilsoni is one of the most sought-after corals for collectors around the world, it is the perfect representation of a brain coral with colorful meandering ridges that you can get lost in! This Ultra Red Australophyllia Wilsoni is perfect for filling in your sandbed or capping...
  2. MantisShrimpMan

    Diploria Labyrinthiformis? Seeking to buy and care advice!

    Diploria Labyrinthiformis, aka grooved brain coral, is one of my absolute favorite corals! Seeing it while diving always puts a smile on my face. I’m setting up a reef tank and if I could have this in my tank, it would absolutely put a smile on my face every day. now to cover the most obvious...
  3. guppyexpress

    Red Sea Reef Energy Plus (AB+) Bleached my coral!

    I dont know if this has happened to anyone else. But let me start the story I started dosing my tank with AB+ yesterday, After watching several videos showing how, and talking to several people who have used it, I went out bought some AB+. followed the dosing amount and how to dose to a T and...
  4. Kuhn

    My Tachy looks like its deflating?

    Hello, all! I got this gorgeous Trachy on Thursday of last week and I'm just not sure if it's happy or not... It came in perfect and puffy, put it in my tank (acclimated it first of course) then the next day started getting smaller and less puffy... I know they can deflate at night, but tbh it...
  5. Saskdevil

    Did this starfish kill my Brain coral during shipping?

    I live in Northern Canada and the nearest Saltwater store is about 7 hours away, so everything we have gets shipped. We cross our fingers and pray things survive shipping. That being said mostly everything usually does survive. Almost all shipments take 3 days to get here with FedEx priority...
  6. C_Reefer

    Get A Brain! Which Genus Of Brain Coral Should I buy??

    Hello LPS Lovers! I've got a 24 gallon mixed reef which is sorely lacking LPS but has plenty of softies and some SPS corals. However I am really looking into getting a brain coral, as they just look totally wicked and have a kaleidoscope of colors. However I am wondering which genus of Brain I...
  7. Kaykay101

    Maze brain coral question

    Hi all! I got a maze brain coral recently and I've noticed that it's feeder tentacles are bubbly looking, is this normal or a cause for concern? And if it is what could cause this and is there anything I can do about it?
  8. k_kaboom

    Open Brain coral hitch hiker

    I haven't been able to figure out why my open brain coral is slowly dying, and then noticed this last night after the lights went out My first thought was it kind of looked like an eye of a fish. This morning I pulled it out and on the bottom if it were these. I have...
  9. F

    Brain Coral?

    I just showed my tank to a friend and he asked if one of my rocks was a brain coral. I had no idea such a thing existed. Is that what this is?
  10. ReeferHendrix

    Hello New to reef2reef check out my reef

    What’s up reefers this is my tank I’ve been working on its kinda of a mix of everything coral wise, 65gal with 2 ai primes Looking for some ideas to spice things up or whatever you have to say
  11. Kusano

    Please help I.d Large lps brain or lobo

    Hi don’t know what kind of lps this is it’s not a scoly or lobo I don’t think please help me with a identity of this coral. Thanks
  12. Azurenoace

    Brain coral bottom

    For brain coral, do you need to add a frag base before placing it on the sand? Or just place it directly on the sand
  13. RockyroadReef

    Help!! Brain coral damage!!

    Hi, I have this awesome piece if brain coral that I love, but noticed today that there is thus section of exposed skeleton on it. Does anyone know what could be the cause? It looks pretty healthy besides that. Thank you! P.S. enjoy the clownfish photo bomb
  14. OdetteDelacroix

    California Mix of Coral for sale Huge Lobo open brain, Kenya Trees, Scoly, Torches etc...

    Hey Everyone, As my tank and collection has gotten larger and the pandemic has still left me unemployed, I'm happy to present some of my little slice of the ocean for sale. These coral have brought me a great deal of enjoyment while in my care and I hope they are able to do the same for whoever...
  15. G

    How much can I sell this one of a kind Lobophyllia? lol

    Hello Everyone, Would anyone want to buy this Lobophyllia I have? if so, How much do you think can this go for? i will take a nicer photo tomorrow when it is fully open and fluffy. I moved him around. Im running out of space :/ it has splatter neon orange/blue/awesome gradient mouth is...
  16. choss

    Fleshy Brain Coral receding

    Hi all, I have had this fleshy brain coral for several years. It has been in my new display tank for about 6 months and doing well. It is typically fully inflated, feeding tentacles are out, as is the today. However a few days ago I noticed the recession of tissue. You can see it here in the...
  17. L

    Question about Cynarina lacrymalis (Button) Coral

    Hey everyone, I'm wondering if anyone knows how big Cynarina lacrymalis coral can get? I have one that, while fully extended is approx. 20cm in diameter. I'm Just trying to find information on how large they can get.
  18. Michael Tang G

    Brain Coral dying all of a sudden?? Can it still survive?

    Yesterday, my brain coral was looking just fine but today, it looks like it’s on its way to dying and rather rapidly. It looks like it’s torn and the mouth is severely damaged. I’m just at a loss at how this happened. My water parameters are normal, though I did have a hair algae outbreak but...
  19. M

    New to brain coral

    This is my first brain coral and first coral ever I had the coral in the tank for three days now and this is the first time that I see their mouths open (see in picture) could someone tell me what this means?
  20. M

    New coral

    I got this new Coral but when I looked on the internet I didn’t see any coral like it it’s a pineapple brain coral I was wondering if someone could tell me if that’s true or what ever it is
  21. Jammiesammie

    New maze coral.... is he ok??

    Hi guys, So I just got me a new maze coral from my LFS. At the store it was waving its feeding tentacles around so looked great! Got home to notice the frag had tonnes of bubble alagae and feather dusters on, so I used reef RX to dip and the quaratined it overnight, and added him to my DT this...
  22. M

    Symphyllia Wilsoni Care Question

    Hello All, I recently purchases a symphyllia wilsoni. I realized that I am seeing edge of the coral with some skeleton shown. These little zigsaw looking small skeletons are about to fall apart with bits of coral skin attached. Will skeleton regrow and covered with new skins? Re
  23. JDnKY

    Brain coral ID

    Can anyone identify this coral? I’m pretty sure it’s a type of Brain coral but was wondering if anyone can identify it any further? I really like this piece and would like to get another one, or two, in different colors. I thought it was a Platygyra but after buying a small Platy I’m not so sure...
  24. i0nz

    Utah Giant Picasso Trachy, Holy Grail Torch

    FS: Giant Picasso Trachyphyllia roughly 10”+ when fully expanded. It has 4-5 colors, which mimic an Eclectus Mushroom - $600 shipped obo FS: Holy Grail Indo Torch, head splitting in two - $300 shipped obo PM me if interested. Cheers!
  25. HenryF

    What is growing out of my brain coral?

    Hello everyone! I noticed some greenish “hair” growing on my brain coral frag. I think it’s algae but i just want to be sure, I pulled it off a couple of times but it keeps coming back. It’s growing or coming out on top of the coral so I just wanted know what that stuff is. Also I’ve noticed...