
  1. F

    EMERGENCY Yellow boxfish white spots?? What are they

    I have done a lot of research, talked to many salt water experts, CAN NOT pin point what is going on with my boxfish. He has white spots all over and they look almost fuzzy. Will include a photos, won’t let me attach a video so they aren’t great . I tried a fresh water dip and nothing came of...
  2. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Island Boxfish

    The Island Boxfish just landed at Quality Marine for the first time! When considering keeping this boxfish in an aquarium, it is important to provide them with a suitable environment that includes plenty of hiding places, live rock, and open swimming space. Providing a varied diet is essential...
  3. J

    boxfish long-term success

    about 6 months ago I upgraded my setup to a 125 gallon mainly softies dominated tank. Been looking into getting a boxfish but i am yet to find a long-term success story on keeping them (any kind). On, i read that the horn nosed boxfish is hardier than the other ones, but I...
  4. seafarer's.reef

    blue boxfish

    Just bought an adult male blue boxfish (Ostracion meleagris). Was not eating in the store, decided to pull the $200 trigger anyways. Fortunately I have aged live rock which he is actively grazing on. Starting to show interest in fish foods.
  5. Dflyons12

    Thorn back box fish?

    Today I bought what the store is calling a thorn back box fish. It looks similar to photos on the internet but slightly different. Was wondering if anybody knows if he is a thorn back or some other kind of boxfish?
  6. S

    Yellow Box Fish - white spots, please help

    Hi guys, I’ve been through a fallow period recently - finished it almost 3 weeks ago. After that I decided I’m only getting TTMd fish moving forward. I have a yellow tang, gem tang that I put in over 2.5 weeks ago and they’re going great. I TTMd myself 2 Picasso clowns and a yellow spot box...
  7. S

    Yellow spot box fish vs wavemaker

    Hi all, I’ve got a small yellow spot box fish. One of my favourite fish. I’ve had him 3 weeks (2 weeks in TTM and about a week in my display). He’s going great, is looking healthy and seems happy, smashes food and always cruising about the tank (never hiding). The day after he went into the...
  8. Y

    Cowfish and box fish with ich?

    Hi all Added a longhorn and box fish 4 days ago and now seem covered in ich. I have regal and powder brown tang which do fine and don't have spots but it must be in the water. I have reef set up so will struggle with copper treatment. All water stats in the green is it just because they have...
  9. saltlife97


    Hello, I’ve just had my long nose butterfly pass the other night and and then my mole tang the next night. I had no idea these fish were sick at the beginning. My Kole tang started showing signs when my butterfly passes and now my box fish is covered in white spots. I assume it’s ich but I just...
  10. N

    Boxfish eating aiptasia?

    I didn't know about this.....or it's an individual quirk. I have a small 1 inch (ish) square boxfish, very light yellow in colour with grey/blue spots. It's eating brine shrimp readily and is really not shy of movement around the tank. Tonight I observed him decimating a small colony of aiptasia...
  11. sotsreef

    I have a few questions...

    Recently I went to a lfs and saw one of the cutest fish ever, the cubicus boxfish. I am fully aware that they can grow up to around 10” in captivity, but this info is different depending on who you talk to. Also I know that they are recommended for experienced aquarists only due to the toxic...