
  1. Sevastian

    EMERGENCY My blue tang seems hurt

    I got this tang yesterday from pet co at first he was hiding inside of the rock formation but I came home from work today to see him just laying there should I try and return him or assume he’ll get used to the tank
  2. JAAngelo

    Blue Tang Tank Size

    Hi: This is my first post. I am also new to reefing. I have a 55g tank and have 2 mocha clowns, a fire fish, and a lawnmower blenny. I also have a torch, montiporas, and favia. Along with a long tentacle anemone. My daughter wants me to get Dory. I understand that after a while, I will need to...
  3. B

    White injury on blue tang + dots.. ich, or something else?

    Just recently, one of my blue hippo tangs has seemed to get some sort of injury on his back. I think it may be ich, because of the white dots near his front, but the back injury seems to be something completely different, like someone was fighting him. I think it might be a combination of ich...
  4. mjblr

    Marine Ich infestation - Please help save my tank

    Hi guys, I've been running a marine tank with purple tip sebae anemone(2), ocellaris clowfish(2), firefish(2), hermit crabs (2) for about a year now. I recently upgraded my tank from 90 liters to 220 liters tank and stocked few more fishes in there. I added blue tang(1), lipstick tang(1) and...