bluestripe pipefish

  1. J

    Pipefish with emerald crab?

    Looking to add a pipefish to my 24 gal nano, my lfs has a blue banded pipefish that is eating mystis that I want to pick up, but I’m concerned because I have a big emerald crab in my tank. I also have 2 mini carpet nems and 3 RFA, 2 porcelain crabs, fire shrimp, yasha goby/ pistol pair, clown...
  2. cant beat reef


    So was just watching my mandarins spawning hoping for them to release eggs and sperm when all of a sudden my pipe fish came up to the surface and gave live birth to over 20 baby’s I managed to get a few into pots but have no idea what to do I’ve put them in pots floating in the sump any advice...
  3. clownenthusiast2017

    Should get a blue stripped pipefish??

    Hey guys! I'm looking into getting a blue striped pipefish for my 32-gallon cube and was wondering what your experience has been with these little fish? Also, where did you guys get yours from? My LFS rarely has pipefish and I don't really trust them when it comes to having healthy fish anyways...
  4. AquaNerd

    Another aquacultured species for the aquarium hobby.
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