blue spotted

  1. Crazyfish928

    EMERGENCY Blue spot jawfish

    Can anyone identify what happened to him/her please help what should I do to save him
  2. N

    Slime on blue spotted puffer?

    Hi all! I am new to this hobby and know I’ve made mistakes from not so great advice. I currently have 60gal saltwater tank that is about a month old. Was told it would be cycled by adding fritz turbo start and all would be good. Long story short I’m having to do a fish in cycle because it didn’t...
  3. ReefMeUpScotty

    Toby Puffer not well, should I force feed?

    I have a blue spotted puffer approx. 2 inches long. For almost a week he will not eat and has been extremely lethargic and having trouble swimming, he will find a spot and stay. I had a valentini puffer before that showed these signs after pufffing up from being spooked and it died the next day...
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