
  1. shannalea

    Fahaka Puffer- bloated and possible prolapse

    Hello, I read through all the previous threads I could find on this topic and I'm wondering if there is any more specific advice for my freshwater Puffer. I noticed quite a bit of bloating about 2 days ago, decided to give it time and keep watch. It's bloated more on the left side of his...
  2. Wuffletoast

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Bloat

    I have a clownfish currently suffering from bloat and need some help on next steps to take. Three days ago I found him doing flips when he swam and thought it was typical clownfish odd swimming, but the next morning I woke up to him swimming upside down. Not wanting the other clownfish to bully...
  3. S

    EMERGENCY Bloated Longnose Butterflyfish

    Hi all, very long time reader-first time poster on this new account since I haven’t a clue what i used as a login years ago. Hopefully some of the legends such as @Humblefish may chime in on this one. Purchased a longnose butterfly a month ago from a not so great LFS via a deal I couldn’t pass...
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