
  1. theasherrr

    Midas blenny weird skin discolor

    Unsure what to call this or how to describe it other than it looks like the skin is shedding. Literally no other weird behavior and is eating well. It’s had it for a few months now and nothing has happened. It doesn’t change at all, stays looking like the photos. thoughts?
  2. yanni

    Lawnmower Blenny help!!

    Hey all! I recently bought a lawnmower blenny for my nano (20g) tank, to curb some early algae growth. The tank is a month old now, started fully with live rock, and it’s other inhabitants include two clowns, one banded shrimp, and a few snails. All water parameters are stable and in line. The...
  3. Cole_Voeller

    Fangblenny Injury

    Hello all! So I have a striped fangblenny, and he’s always done great. However he often gets injuries on his face, and I’m not sure what it could possibly be. I believed maybe he was flashing due to flukes, and I did two rounds of prazi. The injuries are still appearing though. They’re always...
  4. Cole_Voeller

    Need Help With Blenny

    Hello all. So I have an incredibly weird question. I just purchased a Flametail Blenny, and I want to begin quarantine with him, specifically tank transfer method. Unfortunately, this Blenny absolutely loves his shell. To catch him, my LFS literally just put their hand in, and grabbed the shell...
  5. J

    What other fish can I add to my 36g bowfront?

    Wondering what other fish i can add to my 36g bowfront. my current stock is Fish: 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 christmas wrasse, 1 tailspot blenny Inverts: 4 blue leg hermits, 2 nassarius, 1 trochus, 4 ninja star, 1 tiger conch, 1 zebra turbo Coral: Pink torch, Green torch, duncan, kenya tree, sunburst...
  6. Cole_Voeller

    Fish Flashing

    Hello all, So in one of my tanks, I have two fish who I have seen flash: a blenny and a fang blenny. A while back my tanks got ich (Very visible ich too), and all fish were flashing like crazy and I quarantined all fish. All fish underwent 30 days of copper, and then an additional 60 days of...
  7. alishasreef

    Midas Blenny and Goby comparability? 31G

    I’ve read in the past that blenny and goby shouldn’t be together, however recently I have read that as they occupy different space they get along fine? Any experiences/suggestions? I have plenty of live rock, caves, holes, ledges and areas that break apart the whole tank. If this could work...
  8. multsh

    Stocking suggestion

    Looking for stocking suggestions! Ultimately want to add a bit more action to the tank... Have a 40g reef tank with: Paired ocellaris clowns Yellow head jawfish Ywg Wheeler goby with shrimp Baggai cardinal Royal grammar Feather duster + coco worm I'm thinking maybe 1-2 more fish to add a...
  9. gatorcream

    Could a fish die the day AFTER a bully is removed?

    As the title says, I have a tailspot blenny that was being harassed by my starry blenny pretty consistently for about 4 days. I removed the starry blenny yesterday morning, as I noticed the aggression was not calming down. Today, (it’s late afternoon for me) I come home to the tailspot dead :(...
  10. vaguelyreeflike

    Blenny Lovers Thread

    Tons of other “Species Dedicated” threads, lets start one for our beloved Blennies! Ask questions, post pics/videos, how to breed and courtship, anything Blenny! Here’s our suspected male Salarias Fasciatus
  11. Afkomjorgen

    Very thin Bi-Color blenny - help!

    Hello, Our Bi-color Blenny has been looking increasingly thin over the last month or two. We’ve had him since Feb 2022, Wild caught from our LFS. He had already been there a couple of weeks and was doing good. We’ve been dealing with some other issues in the tank and didn’t realize how bad it...
  12. Nanolifeuk

    Two clowns + tail spot blenny in 16gal (60L DT) ?

    Hello. going through my options for a third fish. Hopefully a blenny/goby can help out a bit with my GHA. Is a tailspot blenny okay in a tank this size ? there’s plenty of hidey holes & caves. I’m just concerned about having crushed aragonite substrate and not sand. Please let me know your...
  13. chemicals

    Starry blenny turns white and breathing fast everytime after eating

    Hi, I’ve noticed that my starry blenny turns white everytime after he eats. Besides that he seems fine, been in the tank for 6 months. He eats like a pig but everytime after feeding he seems in distress. He starts breathing very fast and turns completely white for like 30 sec to a min. After...
  14. Leon Gorani

    How do I stop my blenny from killing this coral?

    I have this coral and this bi-color blenny that seems to love perching on my corals and I have even seen him picking at it as if he’s trying to eat it. My first question was what is the name of this coral? I only bought it a month ago and forgot what it was called but I want more. And my other...
  15. Perpetual Novice

    Can you assess the body condition of this scooter blenny

    A client of mine added a scooter blenny to his 30 gal cube. I’m pretty sure it has run out of pods now and the fish is in decline. I only see the tank once a month. But I’m not really sure how urgent it is or how to assess the body condition of the fish. Can anyone tell me if it’s healthy? It’s...
  16. fisherc92

    Red Spot Blenny not taking food

    hey all. running a 32.5 flex with 2 clowns , one firefish, 2 chromis, a hectors goby, and my now sick red spot hes been in the tank a month., as of yesterday he was the first one to come for food, soaring thru the tank, very active. today i put food in, and right away noticed he wasnt flying...
  17. C_Reefer

    Do I Have A Sufficient Clean Up Crew?

    Hello R2R! To preface, I have an Aquatop 24 Gallon AIO Cube, and still have issues with green hair algae (I used to have bubble and red pom pom algae, but both types have died out over time). I recently had a bit of a snail die off event, losing 9 Astrea snails over the span of a few weeks. I...
  18. J

    Bicolor blenny reef safe?

    As title stated, please tell me your experience
  19. darrow0903

    Midas Blenny Breathing Hard?

    Hi all, just got this Midas Blenny and I think he’s stressed out (see video). Looks like he’s breathing heavily. Is he gonna make it? :( My other fish are doing amazingly out and about any tip on what I should do? Is this normal behaviour for a new fish?
  20. C

    Ember blenny in a 10g IM nuvo?

    do you all think I could keep an ember blenny in a 10G IM Nuvo? I have an in sump/AIO chamber refugium and I plan on it being the only fish in the tank besides some inverts, I have heard they can get up to 5 inches and that seems like a big number, just wondering on your opinions, can’t seem to...
  21. C

    Hello Super Newbie!

    Hey All! Super new to the hobby. Just “inherited” a 120 gal tank + fish from a friend who was moving. I’m looking for tips and advice as to how I can make the tank better. It’s a 120 gallon tank running on a fluval FX4 filter, eheim jager thermostat heater, 2 AI prime lights and 2...
  22. akivasreef

    Different Goby and Blenny in a 33 gallon cube. Trouble or peace?

    Hello there! Will there be trouble having different Goby and Blenny in a 33 gallon cube? My reef tank size: 50x50x50cm - 125L (19.6x19.6x19.6" - 33g) Really want Yellow Clown Goby, Randall Goby, Bicolor Blenny and Rock Algae. Must I choose only two of them? Yellow Watchman was also on my list...
  23. Waterbox Aquariums

    Life + Growth Cycles in Aquaculture: Adding NEW ORA® Fish to the PENINSULA 4820

    Hello, R2R! We invite you to come check out our newest mini series, featuring our friends at ORA. In this episode, we will be taking a look at how these fish are captive-bred and raised, from egg to your aquarium! Now that we have transferred the contents of the original ORA® Build into...
  24. Adam1985

    Starry Blenny Decimating SPS Reef

    Hi everyone. You may think what you’re about to read is crazy or a joke. Just hear me out and then let me know what you think. One week ago I added a starry blenny to my mixed reef (took me 3 months to find one locally). Main purpose was for him to eat some random GHA. Not a big issue, just...
  25. A

    Wild caught Blenny need ID

    Hi guys, I caught this Blenny at a seashore, but it doesn't look like any of those in commercial trade. Anyone know its scientific or common name? It's currently in quarantined before adding to my 10g tank.