bleached anemone

  1. Zhugelaocunfu

    Can I say this green bubble tipped is clinically dead?

    This is the first LPS I have ever bought, I don't know at that time so it is already bleached when I bought it.I wouldn't say my water is good but other LPS in my tanks grows OK. NH is 0.1 while others are 0, I have kept this GBT for almost a year and it still looks not very well (although the...
  2. Uzair Aiman

    Questions about Zooxanthellae

    Hi. Currently, I have a bleached anemone (I think FULLY bleached), the disk is white but the body and foot is still red in colour. Im trying my best to save it, it has also lost its tentacles. Today I sucessfully fed it some shrimp, which in result made the anemone have some buds in the disc (Im...
  3. ragnarokreviews

    Can anyone ID my nem?

    I recently made a video showing how I saved an anemone but to this day I still can't quite get an ID on it. I think its a long tentacle but I am not sure. I also reckon, its possible the batch of zooxanthellae I used could throw off whatever color it originally was but I suspect that's unlikely...
  4. ragnarokreviews

    I saved a bleached anemone and want to share this information with others!

    So everyone told me buying a bleached anemone was a waste of time and money but I just had to try to save it, and wanted to educate people on what I did so maybe it can help save more. I know the video footage isn't the greatest, but this project has inspired me to want to start doing a YouTube...
  5. boo2004

    Bleached anemone

    Hi everyone I’m new to this group. I hope I’m posting in the right place. I have gotten my first anemone ever. He’s a long tentacle. He’s been in my tank about a month. He’s moved one time the day I got him and has stayed put ever since. He eats well just about anything I give to him. My clowns...
  6. nanonøkk

    my anemones acting weird

    ok so my anemone has been acting normal for the past while but the last two days i noticed something. so when my light goes off for about two hours at night so my anemone has been fully closing to look like the first picture. the thing is though it stays looking like that for a long time and...
  7. T

    Dying anemone

    I purchased live rock and unknowingly it came with a baby bubble tip nem. My tank is about a week old and not established at all. The nem isn’t doing so well and only comes out when the lights are off sometimes. What do i do?
  8. wolt

    Is this bta bleached?

    I just got this green bubble tip anemone like 2 weeks ago and it looks bleached but I’m not certain yet
  9. Aquatic0627

    White Condy and Haitian anemones

    I ordered 5 condy and Haitian anemones last month from When they arrived they were all white. Three of them had purple tips. I heard that white anemones are bleached, so I started feeding them everyday. How long will it take them to fully recover? I can already see that one of...
  10. AceShadow_Reefer

    Will it survive?! Bleached green bubble tip!

    Hey all, I have this green bubble tip nem that used to be doing great until I gave it to a buddy who put it with nems that attacked it through bacterial warfare and he must've had the lights on very bright too because he came back to me freaking out about them nem. Pics attached are before...
  11. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  12. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  13. potatocouch

    Who's here thinks bleached Nem looks cool? And misc. Questions.

    I bought this Nem yesterday from LFS and I understand, it is bleached ... but who's here don't mind the coloring of bleached BTA? they look pretty; gives you that contrast of color. Anyhooo ... it is currently in a breeder box and my intention is to keep feeding it .. I guess nurture it, until...
  14. potatocouch

    If BTA is white, it's bleached; FACT or MYTH?

    I never dive in my lifetime so I am not sure if you folks (who has dived) ever seen white Anemone in its natural habitat. In my experience as hobbyist, I came across some bubbly inflated white BTA (some with colorful tips) but always in my mind "Do not buy; they are not healthy; they've lost...
  15. Reefahholic

    Zooxanthellae Transplant w/ bleached Gigantea- Video
