
  1. C

    Is it safe to use bleach near a fish tank?

    This might be a dumb question but, is it safe to use bleach near a fish tank? I'm planning on using bleach to clean off some mold/mildew on the wall that's on the opposite of where my tank is. I'm wondering if it's safe to use bleach near the fish tank or will there be any trouble? Will the...
  2. CincyReefer07

    RO/DI Container Cleaning

    My 65g rodi container just in the past month has started to smell a little funky whenever I go to fill up a bucket of rodi water. Kind of a fishy smell is how I’d describe it. Figure it’s time to empty it out and give it a cleaning. How do you guys clean yours? Take a pressure washer to it...
  3. reefsaver

    Filter Floss VS Filter Socks | The battle between changing Filter floss or bleaching and maintaining filter socks.

    I personally use filter floss because it's cheaper than buying new filter socks and maintaining them but I was wondering what Reefers would think.
  4. P

    How to use bleach solution to eradicate Ich Tomont's inside a chiller?

    How to use bleach solution to eradicate Ich Tomont's inside a chiller? I have run a 10% bleach solution through it and then run fresh tap water through it for 3 hours, but am unsure if this will be enough to fully detoxify the chiller before installing it on my display tank. I don't think air...
  5. fryman

    Best method to neutralize bleach

    I use bleach to sanitize phyto culture water. After growing out a week I use the phyto as feed for copepods and also my reef tank. After bleaching the bioreactor & culture media I "neutralize" the bleach (not sure this is the right term) either using sodium thiosulphate or UV. Is one...
  6. S

    Bleached corals , are they dead ?

    So the story goes like this, I have been on a vacation for 10 days . My tank is 4 month old and the parameters have been stable .my brother took care of baby sitting while I'm away and tank is doing fine all this long except for ugly phase with different algae ( dino,red cyano). While I come...
  7. BloopFish

    Brand of Bleach for Phyto

    I imagine that the brand of bleach you use likely doesn't matter as long as there are no surfactants or perfumes in the bleach, but I was wondering what various brands of bleach people tend to use for their culture to get a good idea of what has been sort of "vetted" already.
  8. BeaverLakeAndy

    Filter Socks Smell Like Bleach

    So I used the washing machine on a sanitize cycle with a couple caps of bleach to wash my filter socks. I ran it through three rinse cycles, then let them air dry for a full day. I noticed they still have a pretty strong bleach smell. Is this normal, or would you say they still have bleach in...
  9. P

    “Bleach”. Am I missing something?

    Bleaching rock? I went to Lowe’s picked up closest thing I thought to being basic bleach EXCEPT it was splashless. Bleach used to be basic and contain 8% Sodium Hypochlorite. Now it’s been watered down in some cases to 3 percent and has all this “extra” stuff in it. Scents, thickening...
  10. w2inc

    STN Cant figure out why?

    It hits some corals and others look like they love life. Tank is 2 years old. Over the past two months I had made changed to lights, replaced GFO, and removed one of two overflows. I run a skimmer, GFO, Cheato with a bright light, calcium reactor, 450 par on the top shelf and 100 on the floor...
  11. sscg

    Bleaching QT and removing bleach with safe

    Can someone reccomend some cheap chlorine test strips, I'm about to bleach my qt and I want to use Safe/Prime to remove bleanch
  12. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  13. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  14. mainn

    Bleaching Live Rock?

    So I picked up some old dry live rock with some nice crusty gunk on it. The rock is totally dead at this point, it was sitting out of any tank for quite a while. I want to use it for a totally new setup which I can't get water in for about a month. I threw all of it in a bucket with an amount...
  15. G

    From the Ocean - How Do I Add

    I was just recently on a vacation in the Bahamas and picked up a dead sea biscuit and a dead sea urchin while snorkeling. I'm thinking about adding these to my tank for some decoration to the sand bed. Do any of you have any suggestions for how to do this? Should I bleach them and then put...
  16. Gator2019

    Too much light?

    About a month ago, I bought a frag, but it was so small that the owner couldn’t ID it. Now, I believe it is a toadstoll. Regardless, it will open for a few hours a day and then close, leaving these black dots. I don’t have the strongest light on the tank. Just a current USA orbit marine, plus...