blackline blenny

  1. M

    Blackline Blenny Behavior

    Hi All, I am new to the forum, but I have been keeping saltwater fish for about 7 years (kept a 180 FOWLR with moderate success). Two years ago I set-up a 26gal aquarium with the hopes to make it a reef tank eventually. Currently the tank is filtered by an Fx5 (only bio, chemi pure blue and...
  2. ThunderGoose

    Swim bladder problem?

    I've got a blackline blenny that has gone through QT with Prazipro and Copper treatments. She is active, eats well, looks really good. BUT when she sleeps she floats up to the surface of the water (and has since she arrived). Any suggestions for further treatment? When do I decide it's just...
  3. ThunderGoose

    Blackline blenny playing dead

    I ordered a blackline blenny from Coral Reef TN. She arrived yesterday and I was dismayed to see her floating upside down in the shipping bag. I documented her as DOA and went on to deal with the rest of the shipment. Fortunately I looked at her again a bit later. Now she was right side up and...