black spot

  1. Reefdaddydave

    Large Black Spot on Brsitoltooth Tang?

    Hey all, Having a hard time identifying what this large black spot on the side of my Bristol tooth Tang is? It's large and kinda extrudes a bit from the side of his stomach. It seems to have grown in size. The fish has been acting pretty normal, eating okay. It leads me to believe that...
  2. Trueruby

    Cleaner shrimp big black spot

    Hi everyone, my cleaner shrimp have a big black spot after having it more than a year. couldn’t find information about it Please see video below.
  3. 3

    Confirming Emerald Crab (also what’s this black/white hole in the claw?)

    We bought this “emerald crab” today and just want to confirm whether or not it is actually an emerald crab because it is not green like most of the pictures online. We were thinking that maybe perhaps because it is juvenile that it hasn’t turned green yet. Also when we got home we realized that...
  4. Spydersweb

    Help! Single black spot on fish’s cheek

    Hello, I’m wondering if someone could help me. So I’m doing the tank transfer method for my fish because I’m 99% sure that it got into my saltwater tank. I know it wasn’t velvet, and I know it wasn’t Brook, And they were white spots. I did a freshwater dip and didn’t see anything. This is the...
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