
  1. Adam1985

    Starry Blenny Decimating SPS Reef

    Hi everyone. You may think what you’re about to read is crazy or a joke. Just hear me out and then let me know what you think. One week ago I added a starry blenny to my mixed reef (took me 3 months to find one locally). Main purpose was for him to eat some random GHA. Not a big issue, just...
  2. diamondreef

    Clownfish and my Magfloat…

    So I have two Black Ice Snowflake Clowns. And a Rose Bubbletip Anenome that they haven’t found yet.. but they’ve been staying near my magfloat most of the time.. so I took it out and now they try and bite me when I put my hands in the tank… ‍♀️ Why are they trying to bite me all of a sudden...
  3. P

    Aggressive Royal Gramma

    I recently added a yellow Goniopora into my 30 gallon AIO tank. I noticed last night that my Royal Gramma was biting at it and I noticed a piece of the Goniopora floating in the water. My question is, will the Royal gramma stop biting it once he’s used to it being in the tank? It’s placed near...
  4. T

    Larger aggressive clownfish vibrating

    Hi guys, I have two ocellaris clownfish. One black/white and regular one. Black is smaller and always being attacked and trapped in the corner.I have never seen him vibrate. The aggressor sometimes vibrates. From what I have read the black one should eventually start submitting and the...
  5. MnFish1

    Aggressive Fish....

    So I bought a 4 or so inch harlequin tusk - who is friendly - healthy and beautiful. He doesnt do any of the 'bad things' that they are supposed to do - he doesnt kill shrimp, snails, crabs, etc. However - he and his beautiful blue teeth when he expects to get fed - literally attack he will...
  6. ReeferDave01

    Ever been bitten?

    Well here's one thread I haven't seen yet. Have you ever been bitten by your critters? Lets hear it. I was doing light maintenance today, stuck my hand in the tank and for the first time ever, my Niger Tang thought my finger was a tasty snack. I definitely felt his nibble. Didn't break skin...
Champion Lighting & Supply