bite marks

  1. killergoby

    AEFW or Acro-Eating Starfish?

    About 1 month ago, I noticed that a colony of Ponape Rainbow that I had been nursing back to health due to a shipping issue and a JF Fox Flame, both next to each other on the frag rack, looked to be in poor condition. The Ponape Rainbow had lost a lot of tissue around the base following 3.5 days...
  2. L

    What’s on my tomini’s face?!

    Hi all! I noticed this bump on my tangs mouth when I it home from the LFS several weeks ago. It was just the initial bump at first, so I thought it might just have been trauma or a bite from another fish at the store, and decided to monitor. Tang is breathing fine, eating well, no flashing or...
  3. P

    My dealings with AEFW...

    Hi all, not new here, but first thread start. I just noticed yesterday something I've dealt with before and so here is what I saw leading up to finding acro eating flatworms, how I identified the issue, and how I have intially dealt with it. The last few weeks I've noticed some of my acros...