
  1. Clowny1221

    The most “Natural” Reef tank

    Hello I wanted to ask people here about building a all natural reef tank that would be fully elevated. What kind of lighting would be the best for mimicking the natural sunlight of the ocean, specifically the GBR? Also, what lighting would be possible to match the colours of blue when you dive...
  2. blackwater biotope Rio Negro / Guainia

    blackwater biotope Rio Negro / Guainia

    track:koma - norm'al®copyright#biotope #[57738:#Blackwater] #[10549:#aquarium]
  3. M

    Hello! My Blackwater Aquairium

    hii! after 250 days in blackwater
  4. M

    My Blackwater ' Biotope Video

    Merhaba ben! benim akvaryumum 120 litre 10 neon tetra 3 Corydoras paleatus ve birkaç sayfa
  5. T

    Build Thread My First Saltwater Tank: 55 Gallon Cold Water Salish Sea [Puget Sound] Biotope

    Hi all, hope you will appreciate this new tank build. It all started when my son accidentally brought home a marine hermit crab and it was too much for me to say no. What started as a 10 gallon saltwater holding tank, evolved quickly into a every other day secret trips to the Salish Sea to find...
  6. gobybryant

    Build Thread Frogfish Tank - Nugg's Haus

    Hey all- Been a lurker here for a while, but decided to create a build thread for my latest tank :D When I rebooted this tank my goal was to create a beautiful macroalgae display that would require minimal maintenance. Along the way, I started to notice that most of the things I planned on...
  7. Chasmodes

    Build Thread Chesapeake Bay Oyster Reef Biotope Tank

    Hi everyone. I have a build thread already, but I guess I should have posted my build in this forum. I don't have much to update since my last post on the other thread except that I'm ready to buy my equipment. Yeah, I've said that before, but, this time it's a go. I'll have everything for...
Reef Diaper